Xyphus Info & Quick Docs 2001 ref: Xyphus_2001.zip Disks Xyphus1 is the Boot Disk. Volume #254 (write protected) Xyphus2 is the Scenario Disk. This disk is never used for playing the game. Volume #2 (write protected) XySave is a copy of the Scenario Disk used for playing the game and saving your position and characters. Volume #3 Note: Xyphus_2001.zip includes a copy of this file plus more detailed docs files. Playing Xyphus 1. New Game Boot Xyphus1. To start a new game select choice "A" from the startup menu and follow prompts. Use the XySave Disk as your character save disk. (For another player to play the game with his/her own party, make a copy of XySave and let the new player use the copy to create a save disk. The game program will overwrite it with the new player's characters.) When the game is finished creating the character save disk, you can swap in Xyphus1 and boot the game. 2. Regular Start Boot Xyphus1. Select choice "B" to continue your game. When the program asks you to insert your "existing game diskette", insert your XySave disk. Moving Xyphus to a Real Apple II You can transfer the Xyphus1.dsk disk image with no problem. Xyphus2.nib should first be disk copied to a .dsk disk image using a whole disk copier such as Disk Muncher or COPYA. Name the .dsk copy "Xyphus2.dsk". Transfer Xyphus2.dsk to a diskette INITed for Volume 2-- e.g. INIT HELLO,V2 There is no need to transfer XySave.nib. (On a real Apple II, the game can create a save disk on any regular 5.25" diskette.) If you have a XySave.dsk disk image with characters you want to transfer, follow the same procedure used for transferring Xyphus2.dsk, except transfer to a diskette INITed for Volume 3. R/ --------------------------------------- From: Apple II Textfiles http://www.textfiles.com/apple/DOCUMENTATION/ 03 AUHUST 1984 XYPHUS A >BLACK BAG< CRACK CRACKED BY: THE CHIEF SURGEON AND THE PENGUIN THIS IS ONLY A PRELIMINARY DOCFILE. A COMPLETE DOCFILE FOR XYPHUS WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM THE SOUTH POLE (312-677-7140) IN A FEW DAYS. --------------------------------------- CONTROLS: Y - NORTHEAST H - EAST B - SOUTHEAST V - SOUTHWEST F - WEST T - NORTHWEST G - REMAIN FOR ONE TURN IN THE SAME SPOT MOVE ENTIRE PARTY BY HOLDING DOWN CTRL KEY. --------------------------------------- COMBAT: KEYS FOR COMBAT ARE THE SAME AS MOVEMENT. COMBAT STARTS WHEN A PLAYER CHARACTER MOVES NEXT TO A MONSTER AND ATTEMPTS TO MOVE THROUGH IT. SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO FIGHT SOMETHING USING THE GROUP MOVEMENT CAPABILITY (HOLDING DOWN THE CTRL KEY IN CONJUNCTION WITH A DIRECTION KEY), YOUR PARTY MAY MOVE BUT REFUSE TO ENGAGE IN COMBAT. --------------------------------------- OTHER IMPORTANT KEYS: O - REST & HEAL. PUTS PLAYER IN TRANCE FOR 10 TURNS, DURING WHICH ENDURANCE LEVEL WILL RETURN TO FULL STRENGTH AND 4 POINTS OF DAMAGE WILL BE HEALED. P - PURCHASE. CHECKS EXPERIENCE POINT LEVEL TO SEE IF A NEW LEVEL HAS BEEN REACHED. IF SO CHARACTER IS AWARDED MORE HIT POINTS. ALSO, PURCHASE GOODS. IN TRADING POSTS THE FOLLOWING IS AVAILABLE: (A) ARMORY SHOP (W) WEAPONS SHOP (M) MAGIC SHOP (/) CHARACTER STATUS (SPC) EXIT --------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS: Q - QUIT AND SAVE. SAVES CURRENT GAME STATUS TO DISK. W - WEAPON SELECTION. CHANGES WEAPON IN HAND S - SPELL. ALLOW YOU TO CAST SPELLS. Z - CHANGE TEXT AND MOVEMENT DELAYS. --------------------------------------- TO CAST SPELLS: TO CAST SPELLS, THE MAGIC USER MUST HAVE A XIPHOID AMULET IN THEIR POSSESION. --------------------------------------- REMEMBER THAT THESE ARE ONLY PRELIMIN- ARY DOCS TO HELP YOU GET STARTED. THE COMPLETE DOCFILE WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM THE SOUTH POLE (312-677-7140) IN A FEW DAYS. IT WILL HAVE COMPLETE BACKGROUND INFO, SETUP INFO, ETC. LATER, THE CHIEF SURGEON THE PENGUIN