ADT122_PortToUnix May-22-2001 ----------- This is my port of ADT 1.22 to unix. Compile with cc -DUNIX adt.c ucomm.c -o adt -lcurses or gcc -DUNIX -DLINUX adt.c ucomm.c -o adt -lncurses On some systems you might have to add -ltermcap or -lterminfo. I've tried it on Linux and NetBSD, other systems should also work. You might have to adapt the name of the serial device in ucomm.c (COMM_NAME). When the program starts it asks for a com port, the values 1 to 4 are allowed. Files changed from the DOS version is adt.c and comm.c is replaced with ucomm.c. You can still make the original DOS version with bcc -DDOS adt.c comm.c bcc is Borland C, I've tried version 3.1. Please send comments/suggestions/bug reports and fixes regarding the unix port to or Have fun! Christian Groessler