TnilUtil- Bootable DOS 3.3 disk with utilities TnilUtil.dsk a bootable DOS 3.3 .dsk disk image This file may be used on an Apple II emulator or converted back to diskette form via a PC-->Apple2 ADT transfer (or, the file may be converted to diskette on a 128k Apple II via DSK2FILE or, on a IIgs, via ASIMOV). See Csa2 File Utilities FAQs. TnilUtil.nib a bootable DOS 3.3 .nib disk image This file may be used on an Apple II emulator (including those emulators which accept only .nib images). TnilUtil.sdk a bootable DOS 3.3 shrinked disk This file should be unshrinked to 5.25" diskette using 8-bit ShrinkIt. See Csa2 File Utilities FAQs for more about ShrinkIt. What is on the TnilUtil Disk? The actual DOS is a high-compatibility speeded version of DOS 3.3 called "ESDOS" (modified Beagle Prontodos). Utilities include the HELLO program selector a DOS 3.3 version of Copy II Plus Disk Muncher fast copier Joystick checker/adjuster and some others. You can CATALOG and INIT disks from the HELLO program. Notes 1- The copy II Plus on this disk can work with a 36th track. This is handy since some DOS 3.3 disks boot a modified DOS 3.3 which uses an extra track. This version of Copy II Plus can correctly copy and map files on Track 35 and sector edit sectors on Track 35. When doing a disk VERIFY, this Copy II Plus version automatically checks tracks 0-35. On a standard 35-track diskette with no Track 35 formatted, VERIFY will report errors for Track 35. This is normal. 2- Some emulators (e.g. AppleWin) require that a disk be in Drive 2 when Copy II Plus is started in order to assure that the presence of the drive will be recognized. (This requirement does not apply for some other emulators and it does not apply when this version of Copy II Plus is run on a real Apple II computer.) 3- In order to conserve disk space, most of the custom bit copy parms (i.e. parms for copying various old copy-protected programs) are omitted. To have a DOS 3.3 version of Copy II Plus which includes custom parms, get the Copy II Plus v5.5 disk. 4- The Disk Muncher on this disk automatically tries to copy 36 tracks (Tracks 0-35). If a disk being copied does not have the extra track Disk Muncher will report an error for Track 35. This is normal. Rubywand