Installing GS System 6.0.1 from: Rubywand updated 17 Jan 2000 I. To install System 6.0.1 on your GS hard drive or Zip Drive ... 1. If you download the six System 6.0.1 shrinked disk (.sdk) files to a PC or Mac, transfer them to your IIgs (e.g. using a NULL modem connection as described in the Csa2 Apple II FAQs). 2. Use GS-ShrinkIt or 8-bit ShrinkIt to unshrink the six System 6.0.1 shrinked disk (.sdk) files to six 800k diskettes. Note: This installation set includes the improved HFS.FST 3. Boot the Install disk*. To boot a 3.5" diskette, your Control Panel "Slots" -- "Startup Slot:" setting should show "5" as the Startup Slot. Note: If the target drive is a hard disk or ZipDrive connected via a RamFAST SCSI interface card, you do not need to install the RamFAST driver in order to do the install. The same should be true for the Apple SCSI interface. *If you are installing to a Vulcan hard drive, you need the Vulcan driver. There is not enough space for it on the Install disk. Copy the Vulcan driver to the System.Disk-- put it in System/Drivers/ folder. (If there is not enough space, delete all of the CDEVS in System/CDEVS except Printer and Time. If necessary, you can delete any Fonts in the System/FONTS folder.) Now, boot the System.Disk disk and, after the Finder display appears, insert the Install disk. Double-click on Installer. 4. At the main Installer display, check the name of the disk shown as the target. Click "Change Disk" util the name of the correct hard disk or Zip Drive partition appears. To be bootable, the install must be to the _first_ partition on the drive and this must be a ProDOS partition. For example, if you want to install to a Focus Hard Card drive on which the first partition is named "Focus01", this is the name which needs to be shown. 5. Click Easy Update and follow prompts to insert disks as requested. 6. When you are done, go to the Control Panel and change the "Slots" -- "Startup Slot:" setting. It should match the Slot in which your newly updated hard disk, etc. or interface card for the newly updated hard disk is located. Usually, this turns out to be "Scan". The Scan setting will boot the first bootable disk it finds counting down from Slot 7. II. Installing More of System 6.0.1 1. Boot System 6.0.1 from your hard disk or Zip Drive. Start the Installer, use "Change Disk" to pick your boot partition, and click "Customize". 2. From the list of available updates, select one or more (use OpenApple-click to select more than one). Note: You may want to select and install "Application:"'s one at a time. If you want to place an "Application:" on some other partition or in some particular folder use the "Disk", "Open", "New Folder" ... buttons. Note that this selects the target for all currect updates you have picked. 3. Recommended additions include ... Control Panel: Sound Desk Acc: Find File Drive: RAM5 (if you have 4MB or more RAM) File System: DOS 3.3 FST File System: HFS FST File System: Pascal FST Fonts: All Printer: Special Aids: Application: SynthLAB Application: Teach III. Changes and Other Additions 1. If you are using a RamFAST SCSI interface, you will want to copy the RamFAST driver to System/DRIVERS and delete the other SCSI drivers there. It is handy to have Ramfast.system copied to your boot partition. After changing drivers, reboot and run Ramfast.system to set Options. (See your RamFAST manual.) 2. If you are using an accelerator card which comes with CDEV or desk accessory software, you may want to copy the CDEV to System/CDevs and/or the desk accessory to System/Desk.Accs. 3. If you want to connect a SCSI CD-ROM drive, see the Csa2 FAQs file Csa2CDROM.txt. 4. If you want to use a midi synthesizer interface or Video Overlay Card, you can use the Installer to add Media Control stuff. 5. In general, you can add any NDA or CDA (desk accessory) or CDEV by just copying it to the appropriate System/ folder. It will be available when you next boot. The same usually works for other components, such as FST's, drivers, tools, and Inits. (Inits go in the System/System.Setup folder.) 6. Some good things to add include ... IR- a finder extension. Mainly, IR lets you double-click on an NDA or CDA to have it available during the current session. This means that you do not have to install infrequently used desk accessories at boot time-- which saves on memory and time required to boot. (The NDA or CDA you start up using IR can be in any folder.) IR goes in the System/System.Setup folder. Quick Launch- a finder extension. QL lets you set up a list of favorite programs which you can pull down (via the "Extras" menu item). Clicking an entry starts the program. QL goes in the System/System.Setup folder. File Manager- an NDA. FM lets you view and modify file type and status information. It goes in System/DeskACCS. 7. Check Csa2 (the comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup) for announcements of System 6.0.1 fixes and improvements. One that you should probably do soon after installation is the Fix Font Manager mod. (See ) IV. Questions about System 6.0.1 When you have questions about System 6.0.1, a good place to ask them is the Apple II newsgroup, comp.sys.apple2. Some other System information resources include ... 1. The Csa2 FAQS at ... Ground and USENET MIT offer pure Text for downloading or Viewing via an FTP program. Text on the ACN Florida, ACN Tarnover, and USA2WUG sites is line-length formatted for on-line perusing via Netscape, etc.. HTML web site versions of the FAQs are available on II Computing, Apple II Help Page, and USENET FAQS. (under construction) 2. The System 6.0.1 Release Notes 3. The System 6 Book by Jerry Kindall published by Quality Computers 4. The comp.sys.apple2 newsgroup