Using Uncook After you've downloaded, uncompress it using WinZIP or a similar utility. The best place for the file Uncook95.exe is in the directory to which you usually download Apple files. (This saves you the bother of browsing for the files you want to fix with Uncook.) To use Uncook, you double-click on the name in the window which lists Uncook95.exe. (Or, you can set up a shortcut to Uncook95.exe on your Windows desktop.) The Uncook window will pop up. Under "Mode", select "Generate new files". Then, click on "File" and "Open" to get to a file selection window. In this window, Set "Files of type" to "All" and click on the file to uncook. Finally, you click the "Uncook" button. Uncook will open a box to tell you the file is uncooked and that the name is "Copy of ..." whatever the original file is named. The reason you pick "Generate new files" is to avoid changing your downloaded copy. Uncook has a bug which lets it "fix" files even if they are okay. When it does this, it produces a copy which is usually 1-3 bytes shorter. If your uncooked copy is only a byte or two smaller than the original, the odds are that the original is okay. In most cases, though, if you have problems with downloads from an http site, then Uncook will fix the messed up downloads. R/