Merlin: Macro Assembler for the Apple II Family by Glen Bredon Manual (for early versions) scans by GS WorldView 1. Introduction 2. System Requirements 3. Beginners guide to Using MERLIN 4. Sample Program 5. The EDITOR 6. The Assembler 7. Macros 8. Technical Information (highlights) 9. SOURCEROR 1. Introduction 1.1 Assembly Language Whys and Wherefores Some of you may ask "What is Assembly Language?" or "Why do I need to use Assembly Language; BASIC suites me fine?" While we do not have the space here to do a treatise on the subject, we will attempt to briefly answer the above questions. Computer languages are often referred to as "high level" or " low level" languages. BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, and PASCAL are all high level languages. A high level language is one that usually uses English like words (commands) and may go through several stages of interpretation or compilation before finally being placed in memory. Up to the present time, such a process has "ALWAYS" resulted in programs that execute slower and consume a great deal more memory than a well written assembly language program. As the art of programming progresses we will probably see the day when a "good" programmer will have a hard time beating a top drawer compiler on a given problem. Until that time there will be plenty of room for the dedicated assembly language programmer to ply his/her craft. 1.2 The 6502 Processor The 6502 microprocessor has five eight-bit registers and one sixteen bit register in the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU). All data is ultimately handled through these registers. Even this lowest of low level code requires a "program" in order to function correctly. This program is hard wired within the 6502 itself. A program instruction goes through three distinct steps: 1. The address of the next instruction is sent to the RAM/ROM memory. This is called the "fetch" cycle. The memory device(s) respond by sending the contents of the addressed location(s) back to the Central Processing Unit (CPU). 2. The CPU decodes it (figures out what is being requested by the instruction) and activates various gates and/flip flops. 3. Finally, we enter the "Execution phase" where the actions called for by the instruction are carried out. 1.3 Programming Evolution A program instruction resides in memory as a one, two, or three byte group. A byte contains eight binary; bits of data and is usually notated in hexadecimal (base 16) form (as opposed to decimal, octal, or binary). Please note that there is a strong relationship between hexadecimal, octal and binary. The assembly language programmer is expected to be conversant in all three. Some early microcomputers allowed program and/or data entry only through front panel switches. This was supplanted shortly by processors where one "only" had to insert a "boot" program in this fashion. Once the boot was loaded the processor could perform the job of reading further program and/or data in a more civilized way. At the next step up, the user was allowed to enter the program instructions as a mixture of alphabetic instructions and hexadecimal addresses/data for the operand. The Apple ][ and Apple ][+ had a built in mini-assembler that permitted simple assembly language programming. The assembler is missing from the Apple //e. However, the mini- assembler was not sufficient to create a long and comprehensive program. In addition to allowing input of instructions in a alphabetic mnemonic code, a full fledged assembler allows the programmer to use "labels", which represent an as yet undefined area of memory where a particular segment of the program will be stored. In addition, an assembler will have a provision for line numbers, similar to those in a BASIC program, which in turn permit the programmer to insert lines into the program and perform other editing operations relative to operations/instructions already in the program. This is what Merlin is all about. Before using this or any other assembler, the user is expected to be somewhat familiar with the 6502 architecture, modes of addressing, etc. This manual is not intended to teach assembly language programming. Many good books on the 6502 assembly programming ar available at your local dealer; some are referenced later in this section. 1.4 Background and Features of Merlin Merlin is a "TED-based" editor-assembler. This means that while it is essentially new from the ground up, it adheres to and follows almost all of the conventions associatd with TED ][+, in terms of command mnemonics, pseudo-op's, etc. The original TED ASM was written by Randy Wiggington and Gary Shannon. It has been widely distributed "under the counter" by user groups and individuals, under many names, and in a variety of versions. Seemingly, each person added his own enhancements and improvements. Merlin is no exception. Representing a major step forward, with the addition of macro capability, Merlin appears on the scene now as one of the most advanced and sophisticated editor-assemblers for the Apple ][, yet retains all the easy to use features of TED that make it desirable to the beginner in assembly language programming. Significant changes in Merlin, in addition to macros, include the use of the logical operators AND, OR, and EOR, and the math operators for division, the ability to list a program with or without line numbers, and substantially faster editing. Similarly, the edit modules now include many additional commands to facilitate editing and the "Read" command allows any Apple text file to be read into the edit buffer, thus permitting the use of source files from other assemblers, such as DOS Tool Kit. Merlin assumes that your system has at last 48K of memory and operates under 3.3 DOS. BEWARE of custom DOS's. Merlin does an automatic MAXFILES 2 upon entry, then reverts to the usual value on exit. 1.5 Suggested Reading 1. SYSTEM MONITOR Apple Computing, inc. Peeking at Call-Apple, Vol I. 2. APPLE II MINI ASSEMBLER Apple Computer Inc. Peeking at Call- Apple Synertek Programming Manual., Synertek 6500-20. 3. PROGRAMING THE 6502 Rodney Zaks, Sybex C-202. 4. THE APPLE MONITOR PEELED Wm E. Dougherty, Apple Computer, Inc. 5. A HEX ON THEE Val J. Golding, Peeking at Call-Apple, Vol II. 6. FLOATING POINT PACKAGE Apple Computer, Inc., The Wozpak II. 7. FLOATING POINT LINKAGE ROUTINES Don williams, Peeking at Call-Apple Vol I 8. APPLE ][ and //e REFERENCE MANUALS Apple Computer, Inc. 9. ASSEMBLY LINES by Rodger Wagner A continuing series of tutorial articles in SOFTALK magazine. An excellent introduction, easy to follow for the beginning language programmer. 10. ASSEMBLY LINES: THE BOOK by Rodger Wagner A compilation of the first eighteen issues of the assembly lines series. In addition, the text has been extensively edited and an unique encyclopedia-like appendix has been added. This appendix shows not only the basic details of each 6502 command, but also a brief discussion of its most common uses along with concise, illustrative listings. 11. CONVERTING BRAND X TO BRAND Y by Randall Hyde Apple Orchard, Vol I, No. I, Mar/Apr 1980. Usefull notes and cross references on converting among assemblers. 12. CONVERTING INTEGER BASIC PROGRAMS TO ASSEMBLY LANGAUAGE by Randall Hyde Apple Orchard, as above. 13. HOW TO ENTER CALL-APPLE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE LISTINGS call- Apple, Vol IV, No. 1, Jan 1981 14. MACHINE TOOLS Call-Apple in Depth, No 1. 2. System Requirements W 48K Apple ][ W 16K RAM Card W 80 Column Board (optional) W Lower Case Board (optional) 2.1 Hardware Compatability List W VIDEX VIDEOTERM W FULL VIEW 80 (80 column board) W M & R SUP'R'TERMINAL (80 column board) W ALS SMARTERM (80 column board) W OMEGA MICROWARE RAMTEX 16 (16k RAM board) W ANDROMEDA 16K BOARD W MICROSOFT 16K BOARD W WIZARD 80 (80 column board) Please note that Merlin has been tested with the cards/boards listed above. The author makes no guarantees with respect to the operation of Merlin with any 80 column boards not listed. A noteable exception in the above, is the Apple 80 column card! Do not despair, for the Apple 80 column simply select the Videx Videoterm and a block cursor and all is well. 3. Beginners guide to Using MERLIN Notes and demonstrations for the beginning programmer 3.1 Introduction The purpose of this section is not to provide instruction in assembly language programming. Rather, it is to introduce MERLIN to programmers new to assembly language programming in general, and MERLIN in particular. This section does not attempt to present demonstrations of each and every command option. Instead, the objective is to clarify and present examples of the more common operations, sufficient to provide a basis for further independent study on the part of the programmer. a note of clarification: Throughout the MERLIN manual, various uses are made of the terms "mode" and "module." In this section, module refers to a distinct computer program component of the MERLIN system. The four modules are: 1. Executive 2. Editor 3. Assembler 4. Symbol Table Generator Each of the above modules is grouped under one of the two CONTROL MODES: 1. The Executive, abbreviated EXEC and indicated by the "%" prompt. W Executive Module 2. The Editor, indicated by the ":" prompt (which is very teeny tiny in the 80 column mode of your Apple). W Editor Module W Assembler Module W Symbol Table Module In MERLIN, the term mode is used in a recursive sense. For example, when you are in the EXEC mode and type "E", you enter the Editor Control Mode (":" prompt). If you then type "A[dd]", you enter the "ADD" mode. Some time later, you will enter a "NULL" line which will move you back into the Editor Control Mode. The above, after a few moments reflection, is both clear and sensible. However, there is one mode movement that can lead to confusion if the words are not read clearly. That movement is when you move from the Editor Control Mode (often referred to as the EDITOR) to the "EDIT" mode. The separator tabs for this manual don't help this confusion factor much when they refer to the Editor Control Mode as "EDITOR". Sorry about that. However, pay attention, you have been warned. 3.2 Input Programmers familiar with some assembly and higher level languages will recall the necessity of formatting the input, i.e. labels, opcodes, operands, and comments must be entered (typed) in specific fields or they will not be recognized by the assembler program. In MERLIN, the TABS operator (command) provides a semi-automatic formatting feature. When entering a program, remember that during assembly each space in the source causes a tab to the next tab field. Two spaces where you meant one will (hopefully) not cause an assembler error when you later type "ASM". If due to mischance, the error on input did cause an assembly error, you will be witness to the playing of the SDS death song. The real harm of extra spaces is the amount of disk storage wasted. If you are prone to typing extra spaces, investigate the Change command in the EDITOR. It allows matching for two spaces and replacement by one. 4. Sample Program The first step is to "boot" MERLIN by any of the numerous methods available (power cycling, PR#6, CNTRL-OPEN-APPLE-RESET, BRUN MERLIN). In any case, you should end up in the Executive mode with the "%" prompt. If unsuccessful in this, consult your Apple Manual, etc. Assuming success, perform the following steps: 1. Type a single capital 'E', this will place you in the Editor Control Mode (which will be called [the] Editor from this point forward) with the ":" prompt. 2. Type a single "A" and press RETURN. This will put you in the ADD mode. There will be a "1", for line one, to the left of the curser. 3. Enter a "*" (asterisk). An asterisk as a first character of a line tells the assembler that this is a comment (REMark) line and anything after the asterisk is to be ignored. To confirm this, continue by typing "DEMO PROGRAM 1" and hit the RETURN key. (I don't really mean that you should "hit" the return key, rather I mean that you should gently press it as an indication to your Apple that you are finished with a line of input. In fact, I'm already suffering ennui about mentioning it at all. How about I just say when its time for our friend the RETURN key? Good. By the way, I will continue to ask you to "hit" certain keys. Just take my word for it, they deserve it). 4. You will now see that the cursor has dropped down one line and there is a "2" just to the left. 5. Hit the space bar and type "OBJ", space once more, then $300 . Note that the use of OBJ is discouraged in most cases because it is neither required nor desirable. "Why!" You cry; are you using OBJ? "Because we are getting tricky so this demo doesn't get out of hand with details that are better left to much later." So there! 6. Spaces are becoming more of a problem than the RETURN key. If it's alright with you, I'll use from here on. Type:ORG$300 7. Type:BELLEQU$F8DD Note that "BELL" is a label and is typed with no leading spaces. 8. Type:STARTJSRBELL;RING THE BELL Note the semicolon. It marks the start of the comment (REMark) field. You do not HAVE to use the semicolon. However, convention and good taste dictate that you should. In addition, using editors on program text files is often made much easier by having a unique character delimit the start of the [comment] field. 9. Type:ENDRTS 10. The program has been completely entered, but the system is still in the ADD mode. To exit ADD,Type: or CNTRL-X. The ":" prompt will reappear, indicating that you have returned to the EDITOR. 11. The screen should now look like this: 1 *DEMO PROGRAM 1 2 OBJ $300 3 ORG $300 4 BELL EQU $F8DD 5 START JSR BELL ;RING THE BELL 6 END RTS Note that each string of characters has been moved to a specific field. There are four such fields, not including the line numbers which are on the left. The fields and their uses are: 1. Label field; BELL, START, and END are examples of labels. Line 1, which is totally comments, does NOT have ANY fields since it is ignored by the assembler. 2. Opcode field. JSR and RTS are opcodes, an opcode is a mnemonic (aid) that stands for a predefined operation of the 6502 micro processor. When the assembler "sees" an opcode, it will generate one or more bytes of data in the program. These bytes will cause the 6502 to perform the operation described for the stated mnemonic in standard programming manuals. On the other hand, OBJ, ORG, and EQU are called pseudo-op's. A pseudo op is an instruction to the assembler rather than the processor being assembled for. A pseudo op may or may not result in bytes being placed into the program. None of the pseudo op's used in this demo program resulted in the direct generation of code. However, they did convey information that will be used in the code generation process. In the pure sense of a pseudo op, no executable code is ever a direct result of a pseudo op. This is not to say you could not specify an entire program using the "HEX" pseudo op; rather one could say "that is a dumb way to do it." In summary, a line of code consists of one of the following: LABELOPCODEOPERAND;COMMENT LABELOPCODEOPERAND LABELOPCODE;COMMENT LABELOPCODE OPCODEOPERAND;COMMENT OPCODEOPERAND OPCODE;COMMENT OPCODE ;COMMENT *COMMENT 4.1 Verification In the example shown here, the program is short and thus is still on the screen at the completion of the Add mode. For longer programs you will use various tools provided by the EDITOR to verify that the entered code is what was intended. We will sample some of these tools now. Type:L[ist] a copy of the program will be listed on the screen. Type:I5 This will cause you to go into the insert mode. You will be inserting IN FRONT of the present line 5. Note that the line number to the left of the cursor is 5. This means that the first line you type will become the new line 5. The old line 5 and all subsequent lines will have one added to their line numbers. Lines above will be unchanged. While the foregoing may seem basic, it is essential that you have a firm grasp of these concepts in order to interact with the EDITOR in a mutually beneficial fashion. Type:* Note that you are still in the insert mode. This will be true until we tell you how to exit in a moment. Type:* Type:TYA Type: This is one of the methods of exiting the Insert (or Add) mode. There are two others (I don't know why there are two, there just are), CTRL-X and CTRL-C. (^X and ^C from now on. Aren't I the laziest devil?) Looking ahead. If you wish to exit the EDIT mode prior to the line[s] specified (perhaps you have typed an intemperate phrase), use ^X or ^C. I would use one or the other in all cases so panic doesn't set in when you have destroyed a line the moment you hit and you can't remember the "secret" code to exit with no change. In order to verify what transpired, Type:L This will list the source code: 1 *DEMO PROGRAM 1 2 OBJ $300 3 ORG $300 4 BELL EQU $F8DD 5 * 6 * 7 TYA 8 START JSR BELL ;RING THE BELL 9 END RTS The three new lines (5, 6, and 7) have been Inserted and the subsequent original source lines have been renumbered. We are now going to Delete some of the source lines: Type:D5 (If you are a masochist, Delete5 or Delete 5 work equally well). Note that nothing new (except the ":" prompt ) appears on the screen. Type:L and list the source. Note that one of the asterisks is gone and the following lines all have new line numbers. Type:D5,6 This is our friend the Delete operating on a range of lines. List the source once more and notice that we are back to the original source. The automatic renumbering feature makes it CRUCIAL that when deleting lines, you start with the highest line numbers and work backwards to the lowest. In addition, listing the portions to be deleted just prior to issuing the delete command can save much heartbreak. The Add, Insert, and Edit commands have several sub-commands comprised of ^[CHAR]. To demonstrate, using our BELL routine: Type:E6 This will put you in the Edit mode for line 6 ONLY. 6 END RTS will appear on the screen and the cursor is over the "E" in "END". TYPE:^D The "E" disappears! Type:^D^D and "END" is eaten up. The cursor is positioned to the left of the opcode (RTS). Type: and you will exit the Edit mode. Type:L Too list the source. In line 6 the RTS opcode is all that remains. Type:E6 We are going to re-edit line 6. TYPE:^I You are in the Character Insert Mode. Do not move the cursor with the arrow keys or space bar unless you wish to exit the insert mode. Type:END This puts back the label and exits the Edit mode. Type:L List the program once more and note that line 6 is restored (did you really think it wouldn't be?). In the examples we have shown so far, typing causes us to exit the Edit mode. Type:E3,6 (try it and ride along) the cursor will be on the space in column 1 and the line number will be "3". Using the arrow keys, step out to the right of the "$300" and Type;comment You will see that you are now presented with line 4. Type: Now we are at line 5. Type: Guess what? Line 6. One more time Type: You are out of the Edit mode because you exhausted the "range" of lines specified on the "E" command. Type:L Note that the source is the same except for that comment you added on line 3. 4.2 Assembly The next step in using MERLIN is to assemble the source code into object code. Assuming you are in the EDITOR (":" prompt), Type:ASM. On your screen you will see the following: UPDATE SOURCE (Y/N)? Type:N You will then see ... 1 *DEMO PROGRAM 1 2 OBJ $300 3 ORG $300 4 BELL EQU $FBDD 0300: 20 DD FB 5 START JSR BELL ;RING THE BELL 0303: 60 6 END RTS End assembly 4 bytes Errors 0 SYMBOL TABLE - ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELL =$F8DD ? END =$0303 ? START =$0300 SYMBOL TABLE - NUMERICAL ORDER ? START =$0300 ? END =$0303 BELL =$FBDD If instead of completing the above listing, the system plays the "SDS Death Song" and displays an error message: 1. Note the line number referenced in the message. 2. Type: until the "...BYTES' message appears. 3. Refer back to the subsection on INPUT and compare the listing with ???. Look especially for elements in incorrect fields. 4. Assuming you found the error, you can fix it using the EDIT techniques learned earlier, or if the source is in such a state you don't feel comfortable attempting that large a job right now; you can type "NEW", which erases all input, and start fresh. If (when) all went (goes) well, to the right of the column of numbers down the middle of the screen is the familiar, source code. To the left of the numbers, beginning on line 5, is a series of numeric and alphabetic characters. This is the object code; the opcodes and operands assembled to their machine language hexadecimal equivalents. Left to right, the first group of characters is the routines starting address in memory (see the definition of OBJ and ORG in the section entitled " PSEUDO Opcodes - Directives"). After the colon is the number "20". This is the one byte hexadecimal code for the opcode JSR. Note that the label "START" is not assembled into object code; neither are the comments, or pseudo op's such as ORG and OBJ. Such elements are only for the convenience and utility of the programmer and the use of the assembler program. They are of no use to the computer and therefore, are not translated into the machine's language. The next two bytes (each pair of characters is one byte), on line 5 bear a curious resemblance to the last group of characters on line 4; have a look. In line 4 of the source code we told the assembler that the label "BELL" EQUated with address $FBDD. In line 5, when the assembler encountered "BELL" as the operand, it substituted the specified address (number). The sequence of the high and low bytes was reversed, a 6502 convention. 4.3 Saving and Running a Program The final step in using MERLIN is running the program. Before that, it would be a good idea to save the source code. Keep in mind that the source code can be saved at any time. However, the saving of object code can take place ONLY after a successful assembly. Perform the following steps: 1. Return to the EDITOR control mode (if necessary) and Type:Q. 2. You will then Quit the EDITOR and return to the EXECUTIVE (EXEC) mode. If the MERLIN system disc is still in the drive, remove it and insert an initialized work disc. 3. Type:S (This is the EXEC Save source command) EXEC will ask you for a file name. Type:DEMO1 When the file is saved, the "%" prompt will return. 4. Type:C (Catalog) and look at the output. The source code has been saved as a binary file with the file name of "DEMO1.S" The .S suffix is a MERLIN file labeling convention which indicates the file is a source code file. This suffix is automatically appended to the name by the "S" command. 5. to return to the EXEC mode. 6. Type:O (Object code save). The object code is saved under the same name as earlier specified for the source file. However, there is no danger of overwriting the source file because no suffix is appended to the object code name. This is an Apple convention and I don't want to hear that whine about "Why didn't you append a ".O" to the file name?" 7. While writing either file to disk,MERLIN also displays the address parameter, and calculates and displays the length parameter. If you would like to have the address and length information visible for future reference, you can use the DOS RENAME facility to do so. Remember, the source MUST end in ".S" if MERLIN is to read it in at some future time. 8. Type:E (this returns you to the editor mode.) 9. Type:MON and the monitor prompt of "*" appears. 10. Type:300G a beep is heard! YOUR demonstration program was responsible for it! It works! call up Steve W. at Apple and apply for a job. You are a full fledged assembly language programmer. 11. A final mundane job. Type:^Y and you will return to EXEC, which is the subject of our next section. 4. Executive Mode The EXECUTIVE mode is the program level provided for file maintenance operations such as loading or saving code or cataloging the disk. The following sections summarize each command available in this mode. Note that each command consists of a single letter WITHOUT a RETURN key operation. If the command requires further data, you will be prompted for same. 4.1 C:Catalog After displaying the catalog, this command accepts any disk command you may wish to give, using standard DOS syntax. Unlike the LOAD, APPEND and SAVE, you must type the ".S" suffix when referring to a source file. This facility is provided primarily for locking and unlocking files. Do not use it to load or save files. If you do not wish to give a disk command, just Type:. In order to cancel a partially typed command you can: a. Type:^X b. Assure that the command has the wrong syntax by typing multiple commas. c. Backspace to the beginning of the line, Type:^H or use the back arrow. If you Type:^C after the "COMMAND:" prompt,you will be presented with the EXEC prompt of "%". You can then issue any EXEC command, such as "L" for LOAD. This permits you to give an EXEC command while the catalog is still on the screen. Typing of ^C at the catalog pause point causes printing of the remainder of the catalog to be aborted. 4.2 L:LOAD Load is used to load a source file from disk. You will be asked for the name of the file. You must not append ".S" since Merlin does this automatically. From the foregoing you will notice that ALL source files must end in ".S" or Merlin will not load them. If you have such a file, refer to the Merlin Catalog command and use the DOS RENAME facility to remedy the situation. If you Type:L by mistake, just Type: and the command will be cancelled without affecting any file that may be in memory. After a Load or Append command, you are automatically placed in th EDITOR mode, just as if you had typed "E". Subsequent Load/Save commands will display the last used filename, followed by a flashing "?". If you Type:Y, the current filename will be used for the command. If you type any other character (e.g. ), the cursor will be placed on the first character of the remembered filename, and you may type in the desired name. Of course, tracing over the remembered filename with the arrow keys (<- and ->) will cause the characters traced over to be entered as all or part of the command's filename. This is a useful feature when you wish to read/save a modified file with the same name except a different suffix. All you do in this case is Type:L(trace with arrow keys to desired point)"type remainder" and the file will be read/saved under the new name. Practice with "uncritical" files if you feel unsure about this feature. If you type instead of entering a filename, the command will be cancelled. 4.3 S:Save Use this command to save a source file to disk. As with the Load command, you must NOT specify the ".S" suffix, Merlin will supply it. If you do Type:filename.S, it will be saved as "filename.S.S". On subsequent Load/Save/Append commands, you would Type:L/S/A "filename.S". Merlin would the append from "filename.S.S". As with Load, you can type the appropriate number of to cancel the command PRIOR to any other keyboard input. Note that the address and length of the file are shown on the menu and are for informational purposes only and should (cannot) be used for Saving the file. If the file in memory was entered totally from the keyboard and this is the first time it is to be saved, there is no remembered filename (obvious, don't you think?). However, if the file was read using the Load command or it has been saved before in this session, there will be a remembered filename (equally obvious from the previous comment). The same procedures with regards to using the arrow keys or not, apply here. 4.4 A:APPEND This reads in the specified file and Appends (concatenates) it to the end of the file already in memory. The Append command does not affect the remembered (default) file in any way. In fact, if Append is used when there is NO file in memory it will load the file and still will not change the remembered filename (NULL); that is dedication to design! 4.5 D:Drive Typing the command "D" causes the default drive to toggle between 1 and 2. The currently selected drive is shown on the menu. When Merlin is first BRUN, the selected drive will be the one selected by the BRUN. Of course, booting Merlin with PR#6, open apple,... causes the default drive to be 1. There is no command to specify the slot number. However, this can be accomplished by typing "C" for CATALOG which will display the current disk's directory. At the end Type:CATALOG,Sn,Dm", where n is the new slot number and m is the drive in that slot. The above will Catalog the selected drive and more importantly, change the slot number Merlin uses for it's disk commands. 4.6 E:EDITOR This command places you in the EDITOR/ASSEMBLER mode. NOTE: The defaults for a number of EDITOR commands are set when moving from the EXEC to the EDITOR mode. If you change some of these defaults while in the EDITOR, then "Q"uit to the EXEC, followed by "E" to go back to the EDITOR; These defaults will be changed back to their default value. Those commands that experience this phenomenon, are commented as such in the EDITOR section. Stay alert! 4.7 O:Object Code Save You are permitted to use this command ONLY after a successful assembly (ASM) of a source file. In this case you will see the address and length of the object code on the menu. As with the source address, it is given for information only. The object address shown is that of the program's ORG (or $8000 if an ORG is not supplied) and not the actual location of the assembled code (which is $8000 or whatever OBJ you have used). No, the previous sentence did not take leave of it's mind. You have got to get it straight that when we say "object", we mean "object", not "object". Enough of this mirth. The object address shown on the EXEC menu refers to the address that the object program will be loaded too when it is BRUN/BLOADed. Unfortunately, there is an assembler pseudo-op called "OBJ" that is used to specify where the object is to be stored during the assembly process. With this in mind, the first sentence is saying, "If OBJ is not specified, the object code is stored at $8000 during assembly (almost always exactly what you want). Furthermore, If an ORG statement is not provided, the program will be defaulted to run at location $8000." Now, back to the big "O" command. When using this command you are asked for the name of the object file (the source filename without the ".S" is the default). The object will be saved under whatever name you chose WITHOUT any suffix being supplied by Merlin. 4.8 Q:Quit Q exits to BASIC. Later, you may re-enter Merlin by typing the "ASSEM" command. The re-entry will be a warm start, which means it will not destroy the source file currently in memory. While Merlin will not destroy the source in this case, what did you do while you were out there where we couldn't watch you? Did you do something that did destroy Merlin's memory? The moral of this is: Why take chances? store your source prior to exiting Merlin and then reload it when you return. If the source is small and can be checked and/or retyped in a short time, go ahead. The idea behind "ASSEM" is to allow you to exit and type disk commands if it is more convenient than the method provided via the "C" command. 4.9 R:Read This command reads text files into Merlin. They are always appended to the present contents of the buffer. If this is not what is desired: 1. Enter the EDITOR and Type:NEW This will cause the buffer to become empty. 2. Exit back to the EXEC mode. Type:Q 3. Now perform the "R"ead command and the file will be appended to NULL. Note that the "R"command always causes the default filename to be the last file read in this fashion. When the read is complete, you are placed in the EDITOR. If the file contains lines greater than 255 characters, they will be divided into two or more lines by the Read routine. The file will be read only until it reaches HIMEM, that will cause a memory error if it attempts to go beyond and only the data read to that point will remain (we had hoped to preserve the data not read to that point. However, you know how it goes on government jobs). The Read and Write commands will prefix a "T." to the filename unless you precede the filename with a space or any other character in the ASCII range of $20 through $40. Since the character is simply a flag to Merlin to tell it to not prefix the "T." to the filename, you are showing off if you use anything except a space. I repeat, the "no T." character will not be given to DOS and will not become part of the actual filename. 4.10 W:Write This writes a Merlin file into a disk text file instead of a binary file. See the previous Read command for a discussion of the "T." prefix. The speed of the read (poet) and Write routines is approximately that of a BLOAD or BSAVE. However, the Write routine does a VERIFY after the Write. This will convince you (rightly so) that the process is taking much longer than a "normal" "S"ave. 5. The EDITOR The EDITOR has a primary mode called the COMMAND mode. All commands in the EDITOR start from this mode. In fact, one can view it as the only mode, with the ADD/INSERT, EDIT, and ASM modes simply being commands with sub-options. However, rather than fly in the face of popular convention, we will refer to these commands as "modes." The important thing to remember is, where and what we are doing at a particular instant in time, not what some nit- picking purist calls our position in space and time. 5.1 Command Mode For many of the commands in this section, only the first letter of the command is required, the rest being optional. The required command characters are shown in upper case and the optional ones in lower case. In some commands you must specify either a line number, a range of line numbers, or a range list. A line number is just that; a number that exists as a line number for the data set (source file). a range is a pair of numbers separated by a comma (14,20). A range list is a series of ranges separated by slashes (14,20/26,32/88,99). Several commands allow the specification of a string. The string must be delimited (set off) by a non-numeric character other than the slash. Such a delimited string is called a "d-string" The usual delimiter is either a single or double quote mark (' or "). For those commands involving a d-string, the character "^" (carot) acts as a wild card. Therefore, "Jon^s" will match both Jones and Jonas. Line numbers in the editor are provided automatically. You NEVER type them when entering text; only when giving commands. If a line number in a range exceeds the number of the last line, it is automatically adjusted to the last line number. This is a very helpful attribute for those cases where you wish to modify a range from some point to the end of the data set and you do not know (or care to know) the last line number. Assuming the data set is approximately 200 lines long and you wish to change some string of text from the 42nd line to the end of the data set; specify the range as "42,999." A final point. The EDITOR automatically replaces spaces in comments and ASCII strings with inverse spaces. When listing, it converts them back, so you never see them as inverse on the screen. Its purpose is to avoid inappropriate tabbing of comments and ASCII strings when they are listed. (Arn't you glad we told you about something you have no control over and didn't worry about until this comment? It's nice to spread a little doubt and gloom around to the troops.) In the case of ASCII strings added to the source via "ASC" commands (see the Assembler), the inverse space conversion takes place only if the delimiter is either the single or double quote (' or "). For those cases where the delimiter can be neither, the following procedure may be followed. Edit the line and replace the first delimiter with a single quote and Type:. Re-edit the line and change the delimiter back to the desired one. May we now present the commands? (did I hear modes?) 5.1.1 HImem HI expression Where expression is a decimal or qualified ($) hexidecimal number that specifies the end address +1 of the source, and the beginning of the object (OBJ). It must fall in the range of 2305 ($901) and 38995 ($9853). See the memory map that applies to your Apple system in the Technical notes section of this manual. HI(mem) defaults to $8000 and does not need to be set unless you need to adjust for large source that generates small OBJ. All in all, it should seldom (never?) need setting. 5.1.2 NEW Deletes the present source file, resets HIMEM (MERLIN's not Apple's) to $8000 and starts fresh. 5.1.3 PR#(0-7) Same function as in BASIC. Mainly used for sending an editor or assembly listing listing to a printer. Do NOT use this command to select an 80 column card. See the VIDeo command for that function. 5.1.4 USER USER does a JSR to $3F5 (this is the Applesoft ampersand vector location, which normally points to an RTS). The designed purpose of this command is for the connection of user defined (supplied) printer drivers. This printer driver must not use zero page addresses except for the I/O pointers and locations $60 through $6F. Ignoring this rule can (will) cause Merlin grevious trouble as it is a heavy user of zero page locations. This Editor command should not be confused with the Assembler "USR" command which is used for different purposes. 5.1.5 TABS Allows setting the number of successive columns for tabbing and optionally, a tab character. These tabs are for the EDITOR and have no effect on the assembler listing. Up to nine tabs are possible. An example of the command is: TABS 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,<:> The above will cause tab stops to be set for columns 5, 10,... In addition, the tab character is set to be the colon (:). This means that whenever a colon is typed and the cursor is less than column 45; it will be tabbed to the next greatest tab stop. After the cursor reaches column 45, a colon will not cause a tab to occur. Entry of "TABS" will cause all tabs to be set to zero. If you do not specify a tab character, the the last one used remains in effect. It must be kept in mind that the assembler regards the space as the only acceptable (tab) character for the separation of labels, opcodes, and operands. Use of some other character will cause the SDS death song to play when you attempt an assembly. 5.1.6 LENgth This gives the decimal length (in bytes) of the source file, and the number of decimal bytes remaining before MERLIN's HIMEM (usually $8000). The EXEC menu gives the hexadecimal start address and length of source. See the "Where" command for more in this thrilling story. 5.1.7 Where, WO, and O Commands Where line nimber prints in hexadecimal, the location in memory of the start of the specified source line. "WO and O" are the same command. They (it?) print the hexadecimal address of the end of source. These three (two?) commands, the LENgth command and the EXEC menu (where the start address for the source and its length are displayed) are interrelated. 5.1.8 MONitor MON exits to the monitor. You must re-enter by either ^C, ^B, or ^Y. These re-establish the important zero page pointers from a save area inside MERLIN` itself. Thus, ^Y will give a correct entry even if you have messed up the zero page pointers while in the monitor. DOS is not connected when using MON. MON is provided for experienced Apple programmers, and is not recommended to beginners. Also, you may re-enter the EDITOR directly with an "0G" This entry, unlike the others, will use the zero page pointers at $0A through $0F instead of the copies saved upon exit. Therefore, you must be sure that they have not been altered. Since the ^Y, etc. method is always available, I'm not quite sure why I told you about this 0G nonsense; you are just going to hurt yourself and then come crying to me. 5.1.9 TRuncON TRuncON is an immediate command that sets a flag for the List and Print commands. This flag, when set, will terminate printing of all lines with a space followed by a semicolon. This is intended to make it easier to read source listings on an Apple 40 column screen. TRuncON should not be confused with the TR command. The TR command goes in the source listing and is a command for the assembler. See the Assembler section for TR command usage. 5.1.10 TRuncOFF TRuncOFF resets the truncation flag such that List and Print will print the entire line. TRuncOFF is the default condition for the flag and it is reset on entry to the EDITOR mode from either the EXEC or Assembler modes. Keep in mind that the what the preceding said; "if you exit the EDITOR and then re-enter, TRuncOFF will be the default condition. As with TRuncON, do not confuse this command with the Assembler TR command. 5.1.11 Quit Exits to the EXEC mode. 5.1.12 ASM This passes control; to the Assembler, which attempts to assemble the source file. First you are presented with an "update the source (Y/N)?" message. If you answer "N" the assembly will proceed. However, if you answer "Y", you will be placed in the EDIT mode in the first line in the source that contains a "/". When you finish editing this line and hit return, assembly will begin. If there is no line with a "/" or while in the EDIT mode you Type:^C, the assembly will be aborted and you will return to the EDITOR with all I/O hooks established by "PR#n, etc. disconnected. The idea behind the "/" convention, is to allow you to keep track of multiple versions of a program. There is no way (darn) to permanently disable this annoying message with the configuration program. 5.1.13 Control-D (^D) During the second pass of the assembly (the second pass is when the listing is being sent to the screen), if you Type:^D, the printing of the listing is toggled such that it will either stop or resume. Since this command toggles the flag controlled by the Assembler pseudo-op "LST", there exists an interaction such that the listing can start or stop subsequent to your issuing a keyboard ^D. Another ^D on your part will re-establish the wanted state. 5.1.14 Delete This command deletes the specified line(s). If LNn = line number n, then Delete has the following forms: D LNn Delete the line number. D LNn,LNm Delete line number n through m. D LNn,LNm/LNo,LNp,... Delete line number n through m and o through p,... When N lines are removed, all subsequent lines move "up" N lines. This means they change! Therefore, in the case of a range list, you must specify the higher numbered range first (or have a strange brain that likes computing the changed line numbers). 5.1.15 Replace Replace has two forms: 1. R line number 2. R line number N through M This command deletes the line number or range, then places you in the Insert mode at that location. 5.1.16 List If LN = line number then List has four forms: L No parameters, list the entire source file. L LN List the single line number. L LNn,LNm List line number N through M. L LNn,LNm,LNo,LNp List line number N through M then O through P. Note: there is no requirement as to higher or lower line numbers as is the case with Delete. This command lists the specified portion(s) of the source file with line numbers shown on the left. Control characters are shown in inverse unless the listing is being sent to a printer or some nonstandard output. The listing can be aborted by a ^C or the slash (/) key. The listing can be temporally stopped by hitting the space bar; it can then be advanced a line at a time by subsequent operations of the space bar. After being stopped by the space bar, it can be restarted by the operation of any other key. This space bar pause also works during the assembly and during the symbol table print out. 5.1.17 . (period) Lists the source starting at the beginning of the last specified range. For example, If you type "L10,100" then lines 10 through 100 will be listed. If you then type ".", the listing will start again at line 10 and will continue until stopped or the end of the source is encountered ( the end of a range is not remembered). 5.1.18 /[line number] The slash continues listing from the last line number listed, or when a line number is specified, from that line. The listing continues to the end of the source file or until stopped as explained under the List command. 5.1.19 Print This command has the same format as List: P Print the entire source. P LNn Print line number N. P LNn,LNm Print line number N through M. P LNn,LNm/LNo,LNp Print line number N through M, O through P. Print is identical to List except line numbers are not printed as the leftmost column. 5.1.20 PRinTeR [command] The PRTR command is for sending a listing to a printer with page headers and provisions for page boundary skips. Default parameters may be set up using the configuration program (see the Technical section, "Configure ASM Program"). The syntax of PRTR is: PRTR slot# "[string]"[page header"] If the slot number is greater than 7, a "JSR $#F5" (ampersand vector) is performed and it is expected that the routine there will connect a printer driver by putting the address of same in address $36, $37 (high low format). Note that the page header is optional and if omitted, the header will consist of page numbers only. However, the initialization is not optional and must be specified. If no special string is required by the printer, use either an unrecognizable control character (unrecognizable by the printer) or the NULL string (a fancy way of saying two double quotes with nothing between). If NULL is specified, a carriage return will be used. Examples of initialization strings are "^Q" (CTRL-Q) for IDS printers, or "^I80N" for most Apple cards. PRTR 0 (no setup string required/allowed) will allow you to see where page breaks occur in the assembly. If you are using an 80 column card, use PRTR 3 for this function. No output is sent to the printer until a List, Print, or ASM command is issued. (Not true, the printer is tickled with the initialization string. In any case, why would you issue a PRTR command if you wern't going to issue a subsequent List, Print,... command? Strange statement.) 5.1.21 Find See the introduction to this section for the definition of d- string, range, range list. Find has the following formats: F Lists all occurrences of string. F(range)"d-string" Lists all occurrences of d-string in range. F(range list)"d-dstring" Lists all occurrences of string in range list. Find may be aborted by typing either a ^C or /. The ^L will toggle the case so you can find strings with lower case strings. In the case of Apple //e, you can use either the lower case keyboard or the ^L method. 5.1.22 Change Change has the following formats: C"d-string1"d-string2"[line/range/range list] this command changes occurrences of the first d-string to the second. If none of the optional line formats is specified, then the entire file is the default range. Before the change operation begins, you are asked if you wish to change "all or some." If you select some, by typing the "S" key, the editor stops whenever the first string is found and displays the line as it would appear with the change. If you hit "ESC" the change will not be made in that case. Hitting the space bar will accept the change as shown. It should be noted that if the same string appears N times in the same line, you will be prompted N times for approval/disapproval. Typing ^C or / at any time will abort the change process. 5.1.23 COPY COPY line number/range TO line number This command copies the line/range to just above the specified line number. It does not delete anything (that is why it is called COPY not MOVE) Also, note that "TO" is part of the command and is required. 5.1.24 MOVE MOVE line number/range TO line number. This command copies the line/range to just above the specified line number. It then deletes the original lines. You always end up with the same number of lines except they are in a different order. Also, note that "TO" is part of the command and is required. 5.1.25 Edit E [line number,range,range list],[d-string] Edit presents the line, range, or range list, line by line to be edited. If a d-string is appended, only those lines containing the string are presented. Some examples are: 1. E 14 causes line 14 to be presented for editing. When is typed, you exit the edit mode. 2. E 14,20 causes lines 14 through 20 to be presented for editing. When is typed, you advance to the next sequential line until line 20 has been edited. At that point, you will exit the edit mode. 3. E 14,20/2,14 same sequence as above except line 2 is presented after line 20. Notice that line 14 appears twice with no harm. 4. E "sought text" causes every line in the data set that contains the string "sought text" to be presented in turn for editing. 5. E 14,20,"sought text" causes every line from 14 through 20 that contains the string "sought text" to be presented in turn for editing. Edit Commands Once in the edit mode the first line of the range you have specified is displayed on the screen with the cursor on the first character. The line is tabbed as it is when listed with the List command. The cursor will jump from character to character and field to field under control of the two horizontal arrow keys. When you are through editing (using the commands to be discussed below or by completely retyping over the old text) Type: and you the line will be accepted as typed. In addition, you will go to the next line in the range or you will exit the Edit mode if this was the only/last line to be edited in the range. Please note that the cursor does not have to be at any particular point on the line when is typed for the entire line to be accepted. The Edit commands and functions are very similar, but not identical to those in Neil Konzen's "Program Line Editor" and Southwestern Data System's "A.C.E." All the commands, except ^R are available in the Add/Insert modes. ^I Insert command. ^I begins the insertion of characters before the cursor. This command is terminated by any control character except ^L which is the upper/lower case toggle. Normal usage is to move to the insertion point and Type:^I text, followed by either of the horizontal arrow keys (which are ^H and ^U i.e. control keys) to move to some other point on the line for further editing or to accept the line as it stands and move on to the next. ^D Delete command. ^D deletes the character underneath the cursor. ^F Find command. ^F finds the next occurrence of the character typed after the ^F (on the line being edited). After the character is found, another ^F character sequence may be typed in. The arrow keys are much faster. ^O Insert Special command. ^O functions as described for ^I and in addition allows the insertion of control characters and the typing of characters not found on the Apple ][ keyboard. For normal and control characters, simply type them after typing ^O. For the unavailable characters see the following chart: < gives Control _ > " Control backslash K " [ L " backslash M " ] N " ^ O " _ k " { l " | m " } n " tilde o " Whatever $FF gives on your machine Note: If you are using a shift key modification, depending on which one you have, shift-M may give upper case ^M and you will have to use ^O^O to get the right bracket. ^P Do **** command. If entered as the first character of a line it gives 32 *'s. ^@ Do boarder command. If entered as the first character of a line it gives 30 spaces boardered by *'s. ^C or ^X Cancel command. Aborts the Edit mode and returns to the EDITOR. The current line being edited will retain its original form. ^B Go to line beginning command. Places the cursor at the beginning of the line. ^N Go to line end command. places the cursor to the right of the last character on the line. ^R Restore line command. Returns the line to its original form. This command is not available in the Add/Insert mode. ^Q Delete line right command. Deletes the part of the line following the cursor. Return key. The Return key accepts the line as it appears on the screen and fetches the next line to be edited, or returns to the EDITOR mode if the specified range has been completed. 5.1.26 Hex Dec Conversion If, in the command mode, you type a decimal number (positive or negative) the hexadecimal equivalent is returned. If you type an hex number (number is prefixed by a "$") the decimal equivalent is returned. All MERLIN commands accept hex numbers, which are mainly convenient for HIMEM and SYM commands. However, if you wish to show off, the Edit command will also accept hex numbers. 5.1.27 TEXT This converts all spaces in a source file to inverse spaces. The purpose of this is for use on "text" files so that it is not necessary to zero the tabs before printing such a file. The conversion has no effect on anything except the editors tabulation. 5.1.28 FIX This undoes the effect of the command TEXT. It also does a number of technical housekeeping chores. It is recommended that FIX be used on all files from external sources, after which the file should be saved. Both TEXT and FIX are written in sweet 16 code and are somewhat slow. Several minutes may be needed to process large files. FIX or an Edit command will truncate any lines longer than 255 characters. 5.1.29 SYM MERLIN places the symbol table on the language card (in bank 1 of $D000 through $DFFF). This space is quite adequate for all but gigantic programs. In case this space is used up, the SYM command gives you a means to direct the assembler to continue the symbol table in another area. For example, if you type "SYM $9000", and assemble the program, when and if the symbol table uses up its normal space, it will be continued at $9000 until it reaches BASIC HIMEM. It should be noted that the SYM command will be cancelled by a HIMEM command or by an exit to the EXEC mode, followed by a re- entry to the EDITOR. The above should make it quite clear that if your are going to use both HIMEM and SYM, then you must set HIMEM prior to SYM. The SYM address must be above MERLIN HIMEM and below BASIC HIMEM. If the symbol table grows beyond its alloted space, you will get a memory error during the first pass of the assembly. The interactions between SYM, MERLIN HIMEM, BASIC HIMEM, and OBJ (see assembler) are difficult to describe in a succinct manner to an inexperienced programmer. By the time you are capable of writing programs that require manipulation of these commands, you will be an experienced programmer and the documentation provided (here and in the suggested reading guide) will be more than sufficient. Using SOURCEROR on large ($3500 bytes) programs will cause you to run into these situations much earlier. Keep in mind that you must have enough memory for the symbol table and the source. The object can be saved using the DSK which frees $8000 to BASIC HIMEM for the symbol table. Using the PUT pseudo op as described will handle the very large source situation. Also, remember that there are interactions between the above named commands/pseudo op's. Understanding will come only after repeated reading/study/bloody experiences of/with same. 5.1.30 Video The command will select or deselect an 80 column board. The default condition can be selected using the configuration program. VIDeo is similar to the use of PR# in BASIC. However, Do Not Use PR# to select an 80 column board while in MERLIN. PRQ# is to be used to select a printer ONLY. If your 80 column board is in slot 3, for example, it can be selected by typing "VID 3", while in the EDITOR. It is deselected by VID 0 or VID $10 possibly followed by RESET. The latter two forms both select the standard Apple screen. However, VID 0 will cause all lower case output to the screen to be converted to upper case. Note that lower case in the source file will be converted to flashing upper case (output to the printer is never converted). If you have a lower case adapter, you will want to use VID $10 (or VId 16 if you are a decimal freak) instead of VID 0 when selecting the 40 column mode. If your 80 column card has aa software switch via an escape sequence, this may be used to return to 40 column mode. This will be equivalent to VID $10 and would have to be followed by a VID 0 if you don't have a lower case adapter. For example, use: W ESC ^Q on the Smarterm. W ESC Q ^X on the Sup"R" term. 5.1.31 FW This is an alternative to the find command. It will find the specified word only if it is surrounded, in source, by non- alphanumeric characters. Therefore, FW"CAT" will find: W CAT W CAT-1 W (CAT,X) It will not find CATALOG or SCAT. 5.1.32 CW Where FW was an alternative to the Find command, CW is an alternative to the Change command. It too will find and change the specified string, only if it is surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters. See FW for examples. 5.1.33 EW Edit Word is to Edit as FW is to Find. See FW for examples. 5.1.34 VAL VAL :expression" returns the value of "expression" as the assembler would compute it. Examples: VAL "LABEL" Gives the address (or value) of LABEL for the last assembly done or "unknown label" if the label was not part of the previous assembly. VAL "$1000/2" Returns $0800 VAL "%1000" Returns $0008 VAL !"A" Returns $0011 5.1.35 Add/Insert Mode If not already done, it will prove very helpful to read and under stand the Edit command prior to attempting these two commands. The Add/Insert mode acts as if you are in the Edit mode, except that ^R will do nothing (this is reasonable since the there really is no "original" state for the line). In addition, exit from the Add/Insert commands can only occur if a null line is input (a line with no text and is typed). Add Add can only add lines behind the last line in the source. If you wish to add lines to any other point, see the Insert command which follows. If you Type:Add you will be placed in the Add mode. It acts much like entering BASIC lines with auto line numbering. However, you may enter lower case text (useful for comments) by typing ^L or if you have a shift lock key, you can release it. ^L acts as a case toggle; typing another ^L will return you to the upper case. In any case, text is entered as [LABEL] OP [OPERAND] [;COMMENTS] or *COMMENT or ;COMMENT by itself. When you type the space after each of the fields, you will be tabbed to the first column of the next field. This continues until you exit by typing a null line ( by itself) or by either ^X or ^C. The control characters will exit and also cancel the current line (if typed after a which accepted a previous line, the effect is the same as typing ). The Add command is also useful for determining the last line number in the source. Simply type A and subtract one from the line number just to the left of the cursor. 5.1.36 Insert Insert is identical to Add except it adds text above the specified line. 5.1.37 ^L Control-L toggles the current case. If you are in upper case, ^L will place you in lower, and vice versa. Upper case is defaulted when entering each new line. To change the case of a word already in the source, Type:^L, then copy over the word using the right arrow key. 6. The Assembler This section will not attempt to teach you assembly language. Rather, it will explain the syntax you are expected to use in your source files, and document the features that are available to you in the assembler. 6.1 Number Format The assembler accepts decimal, hexadecimal; and binary numerical data. Hex numbers must be preceded by a "$" and binary numbers by a "%", thus the following four instructions are all equivalent: 1. LDA #100 2. LDA #$64 3. LDA #%1100100 4. LDA #%01100100 As implied, leading zeros are ignored. The "#" stands for "number or "data", and the effect of all four instructions is to load the accumulator with the decimal number 100. A number not preceded by a "#" is interpreted as an address: LDA 1000 LDA $3E8 LDA %111101000 are all ways to load the accumulator with the byte that resides in memory location $3E8. Use the number format that is appropriate for clarity. For example, the data table: DA $1 DA $A DA $64 DA #3E8 DA $2710 The above is much more mysterious than its decimal equivalent: DA 1 DA 10 DA 100 DA 1000 DA 10000 6.2 Source Code Format A line of source code typically looks like: LABEL OPCODE OPERAND ;COMMENT A line containing only a comment must begin with either a "*" or ";". Comments starting with a ";" will be tabbed to the comment field, while comment lines beginning with a "*" will begin in column 1. The assembler will accept an empty line the source and will treat it as a SKP 1 instruction, except the line number will be printed. The number of spaces separating the fields is not important, except for the EDITOR which expects a single space. The gist of the above is; it won't harm the assembly. However, the listing will look strange if there is more than one space separating the fields. The maximum allowable LABEL length is 13 characters, but more than 8 will produce messy assembly listings. A LABEL must begin with a character at least as large, in ASCII value, as the colon, and may not contain any character less, in ASCII value, than the number zero. The assembler examines only the first three characters of the OPCODE (with certain exceptions such as the SWEET 16 opcode POPD). For example, you can use PAGE instead of PAG (because of the exception, the fourth letter must not be a D, however). The assembler listing will truncate the opcode to seven letters. In addition, the listing will not look well with an opcode longer than four characters unless there is no operand. The maximum allowable combined OPERAND+COMMENT length is 64 characters. You will get an error message if this limit is exceeded. Also, a comment line by itself is limited to 64 characters. Same error message applies. 6.3 Expressions To make clear the syntax accepted and/or required by the assembler, we must define what is meant by an "expression". Expressions are built up from "primitive expressions" by use of arithmetic and logical operations. The primitive expressions are: 1. A label 2. A decimal number 3. A hexadecimal number (preceded by a "$"). 4. A binary number (preceded by "%"). 5. Any ASCII character either, preceded or enclosed by double or single quotes. 6. The character "*" which stands for the present address. All number formats accept 16-bit data and leading zeros are never required. In case 5,, the value of the primitive expression is the value of the ASCII character. The high bit will be on if the double quote (") is used, and off if the single quote (') is used. The assembler supports the four arithmetic operations: +, -, /, and *. It also supports the three logical operations: ! = Exclusive OR, . (period) = OR, and & = AND. Some examples of legal operations are: LABEL1-LABEL2 2*LABEL+$231 1234+%10111 K 0 LABEL&$7F *-2 LABEL.%10000000 Parentheses have another meaning and are not allowed in expressions. All arithmetic and logical operations are done from left to right (2+3*5 would assemble as 25 and not 17). Parentheses are normally used to change the order of evaluation in an expression. If the need arises to perform such an operation, partial "sums" can be collected in dummy labels and finally combined to obtain the desired effect. Using the above example where the answer was 25, and assuming the desired answer was 17: LABEL1 EQU 3*5 LABEL2 EQU 2+LABEL1 6.4 Immediate Data For those opcodes such as LDA, CMP, etc., which accept immediate data (numbers as opposed to the contents of addresses) the immediate mode is signaled by preceding the expression with a "#". An example is LDX #3 which would load the X register with the value 3 rather than the contents of address 3. In addition: #expression Produces the high byte of the expression. #expression Also produces the low byte of the expression (the 6502 does not accept 2-byte data). #/expression Produces the high byte of the expression and is an optional syntax. The recommended syntax is "<" and ">" for low and high byte respectively. Whatever syntax you use, be consistent, use it in every case so your reader won't think there is something special about the "one case" where you specify "<" for low byte. The ability of the assembler to evaluate expressions such as LAB1-LAB2-1 is very useful for the following type of code: COMPARE LDX #FOUND-DATA-1 LOOP CMP DATA,X BEQ FOUND DEX BPL LOOP JMP REJECT ;not found DATA HEX E3BC3498 FOUND RTS With this type of code, if you add or delete some of the "Data", then the X-index for the comparing loop is automatically adjusted. 6.5 Addressing Modes (6502 opcodes) The assembler accepts all of the 6502 opcodes with the standard mnemonics. It accepts BLT (Branch if Less Than) as an equivalent to BCC, and BGE (Branch if Greater than or Equal) as an equivalent to BCS. There are 12 addressing modes on the 6502. The appropriate MERLIN syntax for these are: 1. Implied OPCODE CLC 2. Accumulator OPCODE ROR 3. Immediate data OPCODE #expr ADC #$F8 CMP #'M' LDX #>L1-L2-1 4. Zero Page Address OPCODE exp ROL 6 5. Zero Page Indexed X OPCODE exp,X LDA $E0,X 6. Zero Page Indexed Y OPCODE exp,Y STX LAB,Y 7. Absolute Address OPCODE exp BIT $300 8. Absolute Indexed X OPCODE exp,X STA $4000,X 9. Absolute Indexed Y OPCODE exp,Y SBC LABL-1,Y 10. Indirect JMP (expr) JMP ($3F2) Indirect Preindexed X OPCODE (exp,X) LDA (6,X) 11. Indirect Postindexed Y OPCODE (exp),Y STA ($FE),Y There is no difference in syntax for zero page and absolute modes. The assembler automatically uses zero page mode when appropriate. In the indexed, indirect modes, only a zero page expression is allowed, and the assembler will give an error message if the "expression" does not evaluate to a zero page address. When an instruction uses the "accumulator mode" MERLIN does not require (or accept) an operand. Some assemblers perversely require you to put an "A" in the operand for this mode. The assembler will decide the legality of the addressing mode for any given opcode. MERLIN provides the ability to force non-zero page addressing. In order to do this you add "anything" to the end of the opcode except "D". As an example: LDA $10 ;assembles as zero page (2 bytes) LDA: $10 ;assembles as non-zero page (3 bytes) The use of a character that "prints" is encouraged. In addition, the use of the same character throughout will aid your readers. An appropriate comment is always in order. 6.6 Sweet 16 Opcodes The assembler accepts all Sweet 16 opcodes with the standard mnemonics. The usual Sweet 16 registers do not have to be "equated" and the "R" is optional. TED II+ users will be glad to know that the SET opcode works as it should, with numbers or labels. For the SET opcode, either a space or comma may be used between the register and the data part of the operands; that is, SET R3,LABEL is the equivalent to SET R3 LABEL (the second is not as elegant as the first, however). It should be noted that the NUL opcode is assembled as a 1 byte opcode (the same as hex 0D) and not a two byte skip as this would be interpreted by ROM Sweet 16. This is intentional and is done for internal reasons. 6.7 Pseudo Opcodes - Directives 6.7.1 EQU (=) The EQUals pseudo op has an optional syntax: LABEL EQU expression ;comment LABEL = expression ;comment The above two examples, assuming expression is the same, will generate the same value for LABEL. Either syntax is used to define the value of a LABEL, usually an exterior address or a constant for which a meaningful name is desired (good programming practices dictate that all constants be given a meaningful name and comment. The meaning of "magic" numbers tends to fade when the program source is read at a later time). In any case, it is recommended that the EQU"s all be located at the beginning of the program. The assembler will not permit an EQU to a zero page number after the label equated has been used, since bad code could result from such a situation. Also, see the pseudo op VAR. 6.7.2 ORG Establishes the address at which the program is designs to run. It defaults to the present value of Merlin HIMEM ($8000 by default). Usually, there will be one ORG and it will be at the start of the program. If more than one ORG is used, the first establishes the BLOAD address. This can be used to create an object file that would load at one address even though it might be designed to run at another. You cannot specify "ORG *-1", etc. to back up the object pointers as is possible with some assemblers. For this, you must use "DS-1". 6.7.3 OBJ OBJ expression OBJect establishes the address at which the object code will be placed during assembly. it defaults to MERLIN HIMEM. There is rarely any need to use this pseudo-op and programmers are urged to not use it. If OBJ is specified at some address above BASIC HIMEM or SYM it will defeat generation of object code. This may be used when sending a long listing to a printer or when using the "direct assembly to disk" (DSK) opcode. 6.7.4 PUT PUT filename PUT filename[,Sx,Dy], where Sx and Dy are Slot and Slot parameters in standard DOS syntax, will read the named file, with a "T." prefixed unless the filename begins with a character less than ASCII "@" ("space" is ideal), and "inserts" it at the location of the PUT opcode. A. The "insert" referred to above is misleading. Actually, the code is placed (generated) just behind the previously assembled "Main" source. When the PUT file is exhausted, Main will continue. B. Text files are required by this facility in order to assure memory protection. C. A memory error will occur if the PUT file causes the assembly to go beyond HIMEM. D. PUT files are in memory one at a time, so a very large program can be assembled using this facility. There are two restrictions on a PUT file: 1. There cannot be macro definitions within a PUT file. They must be within the main source. 2. A PUT file may NOT call another file with a PUT opcode. However, it is permitted to have the "main program" contain nothing but macro definitions and PUT opcodes. Any variable (e.g. ]LABEL) may be used as "local" variables. The usual local variables ]1 through ]8 may be set up for this purpose using the "VAR" opcode. PUT provides a simple and straight forward way to incorporate often used subroutines, such as MSGOUT and/or PRDEC, in a program. One simply has a collection of proven useful subroutines that are called in, as needed, by PUT. Since PUT accepts Slot and/or Drive parameters, these subroutines do not need to be on the same disk as the source for "main". 6.7.5 VAR VAR expr1,expr2,expr3,...,expr8 VAR is a convenient way to equate all or some of the variables ]1 through ]8 at the same time. VAR 3;$42;LABEL will set ]1 = 3, ]2 = $42, and ]3 = LABEL. VAR is designed to be used just before a PUT in order to pass parameters for use during the assembly. In fact, if a PUT uses any of the variables ]1 through ]8 except in >>> lines for calling macros, they must be declared prior to the PUT. 6.7.6 SAV SAV filename[Sx,Dy] where Sx and/or Dy are Slot and Drive parameters in standard DOS format. SAV will save the current object code under the specified name. This acts exactly as does the MERLIN EXEC mode object saving command, except it can be done several times during assembly. After a save, the MERLIN object area is "empty" and the object address is set to the last specification of OBJ, or if it is not present, MERLIN HIMEM by default. The SAV command sets the address of the saved file to the "correct" value. For example, the first file will have an origin of the initial ORG command, the second will have the last address of the first+1, and the third will have the address of the second+1,... When BLOADed later, they will go to the correct location(s). Together the PUT and SAV opcodes make it possible to assemble extremely large files. 6.7.7 DSK DSK filename DSK instructs the assembler to assemble the following code directly to disk. IF DSK is already in effect, the old file will be closed and a new one begun. DSK is used primarily for extremely large files. For moderately sized programs, SAV is preferred since it is 30% faster and theoretically more reliable. If the CHK opcode is specified, it will be disabled when DSK is in effect. 6.7.8 END This opcode is not needed by MERLIN. It is provided so MERLIN can assemble source code originally written for assemblers that do require an END statement. In any event, good programming dictates that it should be specified (Don't you feel better when you see both the ORG and END opcodes surrounding your precious source?). 6.8 Formatting 6.8.1 LST ON/OFF LST ON or LST OFF LST controls whether the assembly listing is to be sent to the Apple screen and/or other output device. You may, for example, use LST to send only a portion of the assembly listing sent to the printer. Any number of LST instructions may be in the source. If the LST condition is off at the end of the assembly, then the symbol table will not be printed. Please note that a CNTRL D (^D) toggles the LST flag during the second (printing) pass of the assembly. 6.8.2 EXP EXP ON or EXP OFF (EXPand macro assembly) EXP ON will cause both the macro call and the generated code to be printed during the second pass of the assembly. EXP OFF will print only the PMC pseudo ops. In either case, there is no effect on the generated code. 6.8.3 PAU PAU (PAUse) PAU causes the second pass of the assembly to pause until any key is hit. 6.8.4 PAG PAG (PAGe) This sends a form feed ($8C) to the printer. It has no effect at any time on the screen. 6.8.5 AST AST "expression" AST sends "expression" number of asterisks to the listing. 6.8.6 SKP SKP "expression" SKP sends "expression" carriage returns (spaces/skips) to the listing. 6.8.7 TR TR ON or TR OFF TR ON limits object code printout to three bytes per line. This means that long HEX statements will print only the first three bytes (all bytes are present, just not printed). TR OFF causes all object bytes to be printed. The assembler TR command is NOT the same as the EDITOR TR command. 6.9 STRINGS 6.9.1 ASC ASC puts a delimited ASCII string into the object code. The only restriction on the delimiter is that it cannot appear in the string itself. Different delimiters have different effects. Any delimiter less than (in ASCII code) the single quote (') will produce a string with the high bit on (set). Otherwise, the high bit will be off. For example, the delimiters !"#$%& will produce a string in "negative ASCII" (high bit on), and the delimiters '()+? will produce a string in "positive ASCII" (high bit off). Usually, the double quote (") and the single quote (') are the delimiters of choice, but, other delimiters provide a means of inserting a string containing either of the quotation symbols. 6.9.2 DCI DCI "d-string" (Dextral Character Inverted) DCI has all the rules as the ASC pseudo op. The only difference is that the last character is generated with an opposite high bit from the others. This is used by string manipulation routines to tell the end of a string. 6.9.3 INV INV d-string INV generates a string in inverse format. All delimiters have the same effect. 6.9.4 FLS FLS d-string FLS generates a string in flashing format. all delimiters have the same effect. 6.9.5 REV REV d-string (REVerse) Generates a string in reverse. For example: REV "DISK VOLUME" gives; EMULOV KSID The delimiter rules are the same as for ASC pseudo op. 6.10 Data and Allocation 6.10.1 DA DA "expression" (Define Address) This stores the two byte value of the operand, usually an address in the object code, low byte first. DA $FDF0 will generate F0 FD. DA also accepts multiple data (e.g. DA 1,10,100). 6.10.2 DDB DDB expression (Define Double Byte) DDB stores a two byte operand with the high byte first. This is the compliment instruction to DA. DDB accept multiple data on the same opcode. See DA example. 6.10.3 DFB DFB expression (DeFine Byte) DFB generates the bytes specified by expression. It accepts several bytes of data, separated by commas. The standard number format is used and arithmetic is done as usual. The symbols "<" and ">" are used to specify the low and high bytes of a label. If the "<" or ">" symbols are omitted, the low byte is assumed and taken. Either of the two should appear as the first character of an expression or immediately following a "#." The instruction: DFB >LAB1-LAB2 will produce the high byte of the expression LAB1-LAB2 The expression DFB $34,100,LAB1-LAB2,%1011,>LAB1-LAB2 is a properly formatted DFB statement which will generate the hex object code 34 64 DE 0B09, assuming that LAB1 = $81A2 and LAB2 = $77C4. 6.10.4 HEX HEX operand(s) HEX allows direct insertion of hexidecimal data (no expressions and/or labels allowed). Unlike all other cases, the "$" qualifier is not required or accepted with this command. The operand must consist of one or more pairs of numbers which may be separated by commas or adjacent. An error message will be generated if the operand contains an odd number of digits or ends in a comma, or as in all cases, contains more than 64 characters. 6.10.5 DS DS expression (Define Storage) DS reserves space for string storage data. It does not generate code. For example, DS 10 will set aside 10 decimal bytes for storage. Because DS adjusts the object code pointer, instructions "DS -1" can be used to back up the object and address pointers one byte. 6.10.6 KBD KBD (KeyBoarD) KBD allows a label to be equated from the keyboard during assembly. Its syntax is: LABEL KBD. 6.10.7 LUP LUP expression (Loop) --^ (end of loop) An example of the syntax is: LUP 4 ASL --^ This will assemble as: ASL ASL ASL ASL and will show that way in the assembly listing, with repeated line numbers. Perhaps the major use of LUP is for table building. As an example: ]A = 0 LUP $FF ;build 255 word table ]A = ]A+1 DFB ]A --^ ;end of LUP The above will build a 255 word table that contains 1, 2, 3, ..., $FF. The maximum LUP value is %8000. The LUP opcode will be ignored if you try to use more than this. 6.10.8 CHK CHK expression (CHecKsum) CHK places a checksum byte into the object code at the location of the CHK opcode (usually at the end of the program). It cannot be used when DSK is in effect. 6.10.9 ERR ERR expression (ERRor) ERR will cause a forced error if the expression has a non zero value. The error will consist of the message "Break in line ???" to be printed. For example, ERR may be used to insure that your program does not exceed address $95FF by adding the final line: ERR *-1/$9600. Another available syntax is: ERR ($300)-4C. This will produce an error on the first pass, and abort the assembly, if location $300 does not contain the value $4C. 6.10.10 USR USR opcode This is a user definable pseudo opcode. It does a JSR $B6DA. This location will contain a RTS after a boot, a BRUN MERLIN, or BRUN BOOT ASM. To set up your routine you should BRUN it from the EXEC command after CATALOG. This should just set up a JMP at $B6DA to your main routine then RTS. The following flags and entry points may be used by your routine. USRADS = $B6DA ;must have a JMP to your routine PUTBYTE = $E5F6 ;see below EVAL = $E5F9 ;see below PASSNUM = $2 ;contains assembly pass number ERRCNT = $1D ;error count VALUE = $55 ;value returned by EVAL OPNDLEN = $BB ;contains the combined length of ;the operand and comment NOTFOUN = $FD ;see discussion of EVAL WORKSP = $280 ;contains the operand and ;comment in positive ASCII Your routine will be called by the USR opcode with A=0, Y=0 and carry set. To direct the assembler to put a byte in the object code, you perform a JSR PUTBYTE with the byte in A. PUTBYTE will preserve Y but will scramble A and X. It returns with the zero flag clear (so that a BNE always branches). On the first pass, PUTBYTE adjusts the object and address pointers, so that the contents of the registers is not important. You MUST call PUTBYTE the same number of times on each pass or the pointers will not be kept correctly and the assembly and other parts of the program will be incorrect. If your program needs to evaluate the operand, or part of it, you can do this by a JSR EVAL. The X register must point to the first character of the portion of the operand you wish to evaluate (set X=0 to evaluate the expression at the start of the operand). On return from EVAL, X will point to the character following the evaluated expression. The Y register will contain a 0, 1, or 2 accordingly as this character is a right parenthesis, space, or comma. Any character not allowed in an expression will cause the assembly to abort with the message "BAD OPERAND." If some label in the expression is not recognized, then location NOTFOUN will be non zero. On the second pass you will get an "UNKNOWN LABEL" message and the rest of your routine will be ignored. On return from EVAL, the computed value of the expression will be in location VALUE and VALUE+1, low byte first. On the first pass, this value will be incorrect if NOTFOUN is non zero. Appropriate locations for your routine are $300-$3CF and $8A0-$8FF. You must not write outside these ranges! For a longer routine, you may use high memory, just below $9853. If you are sure that the label table will not exceed $1000 bytes, you could use the EDITOR command "SYM" to protect your routine from being over written by the object code. SYM would have to be set at least one byte below your code. You can use zero page locations $60-$6F, but should not alter any other locations. Also, you must not change anything from $226 to $27F, or anything from $2C4 to $2FF. Upon return from your routine (RTS), the USR line will be printed (on the second pass). To gain further understanding of the use of USR, read the source file SCRAMBLE.S or, for a more sophisticated example, the file FLOAT.S. SCRAMBLE.S uses the USR opcode to put an ASCII string into the object code in a scrambled format. FLOAT.S is a somewhat complicated routine that uses Applesoft to compute the packed (five byte) form of a specified floating point number, and put it in the object code. FLOAT.S can be used only on an Apple ][+ or //e. When you use the USR opcode in a source file, it is wise to include some sort of check (in source) that the required routine (yours) is in memory. If, for example, your routine contains the byte $31 at location $310 then: ERR (310)-$31 will test that byte and abort assembly if it is not there. Similarly, if you know that the required routine should assemble exactly two bytes of data, then you can check for it by the following code: LABEL USR OPERAND ERR *-LABEL-2 This will force an error on the second pass if USR does not produce exactly two object bytes. It is possible to use USR for several different routines in the same source. For example, your routine could check the first operand expression for an index to the desired routine and act accordingly. Thus,"USR 1,whatever" would branch to the first routine, "USR 2,stuff" to the second, etc. 6.11 Conditionals DO (DO if true) DO This together with ELSE and FIN are the conditional assembly PSEUDO-OPS. If the operand evaluates to ZERO, then the assembler will stop generating object code (until it sees another conditional). Except for macro names, it will not recognize any labels in such an area of code. If the operand evaluates to a non-zero number, then assembly will proceed as usual. This is very useful for MACROS. It is also useful for sources designed to generate slightly different code for different situations. For example, if you are designing a program to go on a ROM chip, you would want one version for the ROM and another with small differences as a RAM version for debugging purposes. Conditionals can be used to create these different object codes without requiring two sources. Similarly, in a program with text, you may wish to have one version for Apples with lower case adapters and one for those without. By using conditional assembly, modification of such programs becomes much simpler, since you do not have to make the modification in two separate versions of the source code. Every DO should be terminated somewhere later bya FIN and each FIN should be preceded by a DO. An ELSE should occur only inside such a DO/FIN structure. DO/FIN structures may be nested up to eight deep (possibly with some ELSE's between). If the DO condition is off (value 0), then assembly will not resume until its corres- ponding FIN is encountered, or an ELSE at this level occurs. Nested DO/FIN structures are valuable for putting conditionals in MACROS. ELSE (ELSE do this) ELSE This inverts the assembly condition (ON becomes OFF and OFF becomes ON) for the last DO. IF (IF so then do) IF char,]var (IF char is the first character of ]var) This checks to see if char is the leading character of the replacement string for ]var. Position is important: the assembler checks the first and third characters of the operand for a match. If a match is found then the following code will be assembled. As with DO. this must be terminated with a FIN. with optional ELSEs between. The comma is not examined. so any character may be used there. For example: IF "=]l could be used to test if the first character of the variable ]1 is a double quote (") or not, perhaps needed in a macro which could be given either an ASCII or a hex parameter. FIN (FINish conditional) FIN This cancels the last DO or IF and continues assembly with the next highest level of conditional assembly, or ON if the FIN concluded the last (outer) DO or IF. 6.2 Macros MAC (begin MACro definition) Label MAC This signals the start of a MACRO definition. It must be labeled with the macro name. The name you use is then reserved and cannot be referenced by things other than the PMC pseudo-op (things like DA NAME will not be accepted if NAME is the label on MAC). However, the same thing can be simulated by preceding the MACRO with LABEL EQU *, or LABEL DS 0, &c. See the section on MACROS for details of the usage of macros. EOM (<<<) EOM <<< (alternate syntax) This signals the end of the definition of a MACRO. It may be labeled and used for branches to the end of a macro, or one of its copies. PMC (>>>) PMC macro-name >>> macro-name (alternate syntax) This instructs the assembler to assemble a copy of the named macro at the present location. See the section on MACROS. It may be labeled. 6.3 Variables Labels beginning with "]" are regarded as VARIABLES. They can be redefined as often as you wish. The de- signed purpose of variables is for use in MACROS, but they are not confined to that use. Forward reference to a variable is impossible (with correct results) but the assembler will assign some value to it. That is, a variable should be defined before it is used. It is possible to use variables for backwards branching, using the same label at numerous places in the source. This simplifies label naming for large programs and uses much less space than the equivalent once-used labels. For example: 1 LDY #0 2 ]JLOOP LDA TABLE,Y 3 BEQ NOGOOD 4 JSR DOlt 5 lNY 6 BNE ]JLOOP ;BRANCH TO LINE 2 7 NOGOOD LDX #-l 8 ]JLOOP lNX 9 STA DATA,X 10 LDA TBL2,X 11 BNE ]JLOOP ;BRANCH TO LINE 8 6.x Local Variables (ref. Merlin 8 and later versions) A local label is any label beginning with a colon (:). A local label is attached to the last global label and can be referred to by any line from that global label to the next global label. You can then use the same local label in other segments governed by other global labels. You can choose to use a meaningless type of local label such as: 1, :2, etc., or you can use meaningful names such as :LOOP, :EXIT, and so on. Some restrictions on use of local labels are ... 1) Local labels cannot be used inside macros. 2) You cannot label a MAC, ENT or EXT with a local label and you cannot EQUate a local label. 3) The first label in a program cannot be a local label. 6.x2 Local Labels, Global Labels and Variables (ref. Merlin 8 ...) There are three distinct types of labels used by the assembler. Each of these are identified and treated differently by Merlin: Global Labels -labels not starting with "]" or ":" Local labels -labels beginning with ":" Variables -labels beginning with "]" Note that local labels do not save space in the symbol table, while variables do. Local labels can be used for forward and backward branching, while variables cannot. Good programming practice dictates the use of local labels as branch points, variables for passing data, etc.. 7. Macros 7.1 Defining a Macro A macro definition begins with: NAME MAC (no operand) NAME is in the label field. The macro's definition is terminated by the pseudo op EOM or <<<. The label NAME cannot be referenced by anything other than PMC NAME or >>> NAME. You can define a macro the first time you wish to use it the program. However, it is preferable (and required if the macro uses variables) to define all macros at the beginning of the program with the assembly condition;n OFF. The macro(s) then can be called where needed. Forward referencing to a macro definition is not possible and will result in a "NOT MACRO" message. That is, the macro must be defined prior to the first call via PMC. The conditionals DO, ELSE and FIN may be used inside a macro definition. Labels inside macros, such as LOOP and OUT in the example in section 7.4, are updated each time PMC is encountered. Error messages generated by errors in macros usually abort assembly, because of possible harmful effects. Such messages will generally indicate the line number of a PMC rather the line inside the macro where the error occurs. 7.2 Nested Macros Macros may be nested to a depth of 15. For nesting, macros must be defined with the DO condition OFF. Here is example of a nested macro in which the definition itself is nested. (This can only be done when both definitions end at the same place.) TRDB MAC >>> TR.]1+1;]2+1 TR MAC LDA ]1 STA ]2 <<< In this example >>> TR.LOC,DEST will assemble as: LDA LOC STA DEST PMC TRDB.LOC;DEST will assemble as: LDA LOC+1 STA DEST+1 LDA LOC STA DEST A more common form of nesting is illustrated by these two macro definitions (where CH = $24): POKE MAC LDA #]2 STA ]1 <<< HTAB MAC >>> POKE.CH;]1 <<< 7.3 Special Variables Eight variables, named ]1 through ]8 are pre-defined and are designed for use in macros. They receive there values from the variables supplied on the actual call of the macro. For example: >>> NAME.expr1;expr2;expr3;... will assign the value expr1 to the variable ]1, expr2 to ]2, and so on. An example of this concept is: TEMP EQU $10 DO 0 SWAP MAC LDA ]1 STA ]3 LDA ]2 STA ]1 LDA ]3 STA ]2 <<< FIN The call of >>> SWAP $6;$7;TEMP will result in the following code being generated. LDA ]1 becomes LDA $6 STA ]3 STA TEMP LDA ]2 LDA $7 STA ]1 STA $6 LDA ]3 LDA TEMP STA ]2 STA $7 If, as above, some of the special variables are used in the macro definition, then values for them must be provided in the PMC (or >>>) statement. In the assembly listing the special variables will not be printed. Rather, they will be replaced by the variables and/or constants from the macro call. On the macro call itself, the number of parameters input must match the number of variables in the macro definition. A BAD OPERAND error will be generated if the number of parameters is less than the number of variables. However, no error message will be printed if there are more parameters than variables. The assembler will accept some other characters on place of the space between the macro name and the expression in the PMC statement. For example, you may use any of these characters: . / , - ( The semicolons between parameters are required and no extra spaces are allowed. Macros will accept literal data. Thus the assembler will accept the following type of macro call: DO 0 MUV MAC LDA ]1 STA ]2 <<< FIN PMC MUV (PNTR),Y;DEST >>> MUV.#3;FLAG,X It will also accept: DO 0 PRINT MAC JSR SENDMSG ASC ]1 BRK <<< FIN PMC PRINT.!"quote"! PMC PRINT.'This is an example' >>> PRINT."So's this, understand?" LIMITATION: If such strings contain spaces or semicolons, they must be delimited by quotes (single or double. See ASC for single and double quote rules.). Also, literals must have the final delimiter. (This is only true in macro calls or VAR statements, but it is goods practice in all cases.) A previous version of this assembler, that did not have the capabilities just described, used commas rather than semicolons in >>> statements. For people that have source files that used that version, a program called CONVERT has been provided which changes those commas to semicolons in a second or two. In order to use CONVERT follow the following procedure: 1. Boot the MERLIN disk. 2. Load the source file that has the offending commas. 3. Type C(catalog) at the EXEC mode's menu. 4. When the catalog has completed and the word "Command?" appears, type BRUN CONVERT. 5. Save your source file when CONVERT has completed and return is made to the EXEC menu. 7.4 Sample Program Here is a sample program intended to illustrate the usage of macros with non standard variables. It would be simpler and more pleasing if it used ]1 instead of ]MSG since the variable equates would be eliminated and the values for ]1 provided in the >>> lines. HOME EQU $FC58 COUT EQU $FDFD KEY EQU $C000 STROBE EQU $CO10 DOS EQU $3D3 DO 0 ;ASSEMBLY OFF SENDMSG MAC ;START DEFINITION OF THE ;MACRO SENDMSG LDY #0 LOOP LDA ]MSG,Y ;GET A CHARACTER BEQ OUT ;END OF MESSAGE JSR COUT ;SEND IT INY BNE LOOP ;BACK FOR MORE OUT <<< ;END OF MACRO DEFINITION AND ;EXIT FROM ROUTINE FIN JSR HOME ;CLEAR SCREN ]MSG EQU HITMSG >>> SENDMSG INVRS CMP #"I" BNE NORM ]MSG EQU IMSG >>> SENDMSG NORM CMP #"N" BNE STP ;SEE IF HE WANTS TO STOP ]MSG EQU NMSG PMC SENDMSG ;>>> AND PMC ARE EQUIVALENT STP CMP #"S" BNE GETKEY ;NO, GET NEXT KEY INPUT JMP DOS ;ALL DONE. EXIT GRACEFULLY HITMSG ASC !HIT ;A KEY "F","I","N", OR "S"! HEX 8D8D00 FMSG FLS "THIS IS A FLASHING MESSAGE" HEX 8D8D00 IMSG INV "THIS IS A MESSAGE IN INVERSE" HEX 8D8D00 NMSG ASC "THIS IS NORMAL MESSAGE" HEX 8D8D00 7.5 The Macro Library A macro library with the example programs is included in source file form on this diskette. The purpose of the library is to provide some guidance to the newcomer as to the utility of macros. Once macro writing is mastered, one wonders why others consider macros difficult and "not worth the effort." NOTE" All macros are defined at the beginning of the source file, then each example program places macros where they are needed. Conditionals are used to determine which example program is to be assembled. The KBD opcode allows the user to make this selection from the keyboard during assembly. 8. Technical Information (highlights) The source is placed at START OF SOURCE when loaded, regard- less of its original address. 8.1 The important pointers are: START OF SOURCE in $A,$B (set to $901 unless changed by CHRGEN70 or other) HlMEM: in $C,$D (defaults to $8000) END OF SOURCE in $E,$F When you exit to BASIC or to the monitor, these pointers are saved on the RAM card at $E00A-$E00F. They are restored upon re-entry to MERLIN. Entry into MERLIN replaces the current 1/0 hooks with the standard ones and reconnects DOS. This is the same as typing PR#0 and IN#0 from the keyboard. Entry to the EDITOR discon- nects DOS, so that you can use labels such as INIT without disastrous consequences. Re-entry to EXEC MODE disconnects any 1/0 hooks that you may have established via the editor's PR# command, and reconnects DOS. Exit from assembly (com- pletion of assembly or CTRL-C) also disconnects 1/0 hooks. 8.2 General Information Re-entry after exit to BASIC is made by the "ASSEM" command. Simply use "ASSEM" wherever a DOS command is valid (for example. at the BASIC prompt). A BRUN MERLIN or a disk boot will also provide a warm re-entry and will not reload MERLIN if it is already there. A reload may be forced by typing BRUN BOOT ASM which would then be a cold entry. "destroying" any file in memory. Memory organization for ordinary sized files is of no concern to the user, but it is important to understand certain constraints for the handling of large files. MERLIN's HIMEM: (which defaults to $8000) is an upper limit to the source file. It is also an upper limit for PUT files. If a memory error occurs during assembly indicating a PUT line, it means the PUT file was too large to be placed in memory along with the PUT'ing file and indicates that HIMEM: will have to be increased. The default ORG and OBJ addresses equal the present value of MERLIN's HIMEM:. It is illegal to specify an OBJ address that is less than HIMEM except that a page 3 address is allowed. If a page 3 ($300-$3FF) OBJ address is used, the user MUST be careful that the file will not write over the DOS jumps at $3D0-$3FF as the assembler does NOT check for this error. If during assembly the object code exceeds BASIC HIMEM (or the SYM address, if one has been specified) then the code will not be written to memory, but assembly will appear to proceed as normal and its output sent to the screen or printer. The only clue that. this has happened, if not intentional, is that the OBJECT CODE SAVE command at EXEC level is disabled in this event. Therefore, if a listing for a very long file is desired, without actually creating code, the user can assemble over DOS and up (OBJ $A000 will do). 8.3 Symbol Table The symbol table is printed after assembly unless LST OFF has been invoked. It is displayed first sorted alphabetically and then sorted numerically. The symbol table can be aborted at any time by pressing CTRL-C. Stopping it in this manner will have no ill effect on the object code which was gener- ated. The symbol table is flagged as follows: MD Macro Definition M Label defined within a Macro V Variable (symbols starting with "]") ? A symbol that was defined but never referenced Internally. these are flagged by setting bits 7 to 4 of the symbol's length byte: MD bit 5 M bit 4 V indicated by "]" preceding label name ? bit 5 Also, bit 6 is set during the alphabetical printout to flag printed symbols, then removed during the numerical order printout. The symbol printout is formatted for an 80 column printer, or for one which will send a carriage return after 40 columns. 8.4 Error Messages BAD OPCODE Occurs when the opcode is not valid (perhaps misspelled) or the opcode is in the label column. BAD ADDRESS MODE The addressing mode is not a valid 6502 instruction; for example, JSR (LABEL) or LDX (LABEL),Y. BAD BRANCH A branch (BEQ, BCC, &c) to an address that is out of range, i.e. further away than NOTE: Most errors will throw off the assembler's address calculations. Bad branch errors should be ignored until previous errors have been dealt with. BAD OPERAND This occurs if the operand is illegally formed or if a label in the operand is not defined. This also occurs if you "EQU" a label to a zero page value after the label has been used. It may also mean that your operand is longer than 64 characters, or that a comment line exceeds 64 characters. This error will abort assembly. DUPLICATE SYMBOL On the first pass, the assembler finds two identical labels. MEMORY FULL This is usually caused by one of four conditions: Incorrect OBJ setting, source code too large, object code too large or symbol table too large. See "Special Note" at the end of this section. UNKNOWN LABEL Your program refers to a label that has not been defined. This also occurs if you try to reference a MACRO definition by anything other than PMC or »). It can also occur if the referenced label is in an area with conditional assemblyOFF. The latter will not happen with a MACRO definition. NOT MACRO Forward reference to a MACRO, or reference by PMC or »> to a label that is not a MACRO. NESTING ERROR Macros nested more than lS deep or conditionals nested more than 8 deep will generate this error. BAD "PUT" This Is caused bya PUT inside a macro or by a PUT inside another PUT fIle. BAD "SAV" This is caused by a SAV inside a macro or a SAV after a multiple OBJ after the last SAV. BAD INPUT This results from either no input ([RETURN] alone) or an input exceeding 37 characters in answer to the KBD op- code's request for the value of a label. BREAK This message is caused by the ERR opcode when the ex- pression in the operand is found to be non-zero. BAD LABEL This is caused by an unlabeled EQU or MAC, a label that is too long (greater than 13 characters) or one containing illegal characters (a label must begin with a character at least as large in ASCII value as the colon and may not contain any characters less than the digit zero). Special Note -MEMORY FULL Errors There are four common causes for the MEMORY FULL error mes- sage. A more detailed description of this problem and some ways to overcome it follow. MEMORY FULL IN LINE: xx. Generated during pass 1 of assembly (line number points to an OBJ instruction). CAUSE: An OBJ was specified that was below MERLIN's HIMEM: (normally $80 and also not within Page 3. MERLIN will not allow you to put object code out of this range in order to protect your source file and the system. REMEDY: Remove the OBJ instruction or change it to specify an address within the legal range. MEMORY FULL IN LINE: xx. Generated during assembly. CAUSE: Too many symbols have been placed into the symbol table, causing it to exceed Applesoft's HIMEM (normally $9853 for the RAM card version and $6F53 for the 48K version). REMEDY: Make the symbol table larger by using the SYM command to lower its beginning address. ERR: MEMORY FULL. Generated immediately after you type in one line too many. CAUSE: The source code is too large and has exceeded MERLIN's HIMEM (normally $8000 on the RAM card version; $5000 on the 48K version). REMEDY: Raise MERLIN's HIMEM: (see the section on the HImem: command) or break the source file up into smaller sections and bring them in when necessary by using the "PUT" pseudo-op. ERROR MESSAGE: None, but no object code will be generated (there will be no OBJECT information displayed on the EXEC menu). CAUSE: Object code generated from an assembly would have exceeded the symbol table or Applesoft's HIMEM. Also can be caused by PUT file being too large. REMEDY: Lower MERLIN's HIMEM or write the object code directly to disk, using the DSK pseudo-op. When an error occurs on the first pass and while the assembler is processing a PUT file, the error message will indicate the line number preceded by ")" in the PUT file. To find which line of the main program was active (in effect telling you which PUT file the error occurred in) simply type "/"(RETURN) and quickly stop the listing. The first line listed will be the active line. 9. SOURCEROR 9.1 Introduction Sourceror is a sophisticated, and after practice, an easy to use disassembler designed as a subsidiary to create MERLIN source files out of binary programs, usually in a matter of minutes. SOURCEROR diassembles Sweet 16 code as well as 6502 code. The above is true. However, there are a number of ways you can become tripped up if you are not careful and think about the job you are undertaking. In general, you are trying to fully understand and/or change an undocumented program. Prior to undertaking the job of disassembling a large program ($1000 bytes or larger); it is advised that you should practice on smaller programs where the documentation and/or understanding is available from computer stores or friends. The 256 bytes of the disk controller ROM that begins at address $C600 is a challenge worthy of your attention. Through reading of "Beneath Apple DOS" is almost a must before undertaking any but the most trivial disassembles. In addition, The publication "call A.P.P.L.E. in depth- All about DOS" makes very interesting reading. The main part of SOURCEROR is called SRCRR.OBJ, but this can not be run (conviently) directly, since it may overwrite DOS buffers and crash the system. For this reason, a small program named SOURCEROR is provided. It runs in the input buffer (where keyboard input is normally kept), and does not conflict with any program in memory. This small program simply checks memory size, gets rid of any programs such as PLE which would conflict with the main SOURCEROR program, sets MAXFILES = 1, then runs SRCRR.OBJ (at $8800-$9AA5). To minimize the possibility of accident, SRCRR.OBJ has a default loading location of $4000 and if you BRUN it, it will just return without doing anything. If you try to BRUN it at its designed location of $8800, however, you could be in for big trouble. SOURCEROR assumes the standard Apple screen is being used and will not function with an 80 column card. The upshot of the above is "do it our way" and you "probably" won't get into trouble. 9.2 Using SOURCEROR 1. Load in the software to be disassembled. The most common way to do this is to use the command "BLOAD." It is possible to boot some disks and then exit to Applesoft by menu and/or reset key. The location where the program normally resides is preferred if that doesn't interfere with where MERLIN or one of its tables is going to be placed. See the memory map in this section for a guide to Sourceror memory usage. There are a number of ways that the loading address of a program can be found. W Get the Beagle Brothers disk "Apple Mechanic" and study the documentation for the program "byte zap." This will allow you to follow the linkage from the catalog on track $11 to the actual track and sector where the binary data is stored. Referring to your copy of "Beneath Apple DOS" (chapter 4) there are figures that show how track/sector lists are configured and how and where the starting address and program length are stored. W Refer to the various "tip sheets" available with Beagle software. They are chock full of tidbits that you are going to need if you are going to cope with the various problems encountered in disassembling code. In particular, they will tell you the addresses to inspect after a BLOAD that will give you the starting address and program length. While this might seem to be the easier approach of the two presented so far, the knowledge obtained is not nearly so great. W Central Point Software has an excellent disk called "Copy ][ Plus." It is sold as an disk back up system. However, the disk utilities are excellent. For this discussion, the Catalog command is of interest. It has an option that will print (screen or printer) the names, starting address, and program length for each binary file on the disk being cataloged. While the Copy ][ Plus solution is most attractive from an individual effort standpoint. It is not the best from a learning point of view (do buy the disk. It is well worth it's modest price). 2. Put the Merlin disk in drive 1 and type "BRUN SOURCEROR" When the drive stops, take the Merlin disk out of drive 1. 3. You will be told that the default address for the source file is $2500. This was selected because it does not conflict with the addresses of most binary programs you may wish to disassemble. Just hit RETURN to accept this default address. Otherwise, specify (in Hex) the address you want. You may also access a "secret" provision at this point (not secret anymore, I'm about to blab it all out). This is done by typing CTRL-S (for "SWEET") after, or in lieu of the source address. You will be asked for a (non standard) address for the SWEET 16 interpreter. This is intended to facilitate the disassembly of programs which use a RAM version of SWEET 16. 4. Next you will be asked to hit RETURN if the program to be disassembled is in its original (running) location. If it is NOT in its running location, then you must specify (in Hex) the code's present location. Finally, you will be asked to provide the ORIGINAL location of that program. When disassembling you must specify the ORIGINAL address of the program, not the address where it currently resides. It will appear that you are disassembling the program at its original location, but actually, SOURCEROR is disassembling the code at its present location and translating the addresses. This is an important enough concept that we will give a small example at this time: a. You specify that the program is NOW loaded at location $803. b. You further state that it normally resides at $2500. c. When you type your first L to begin disassembly, type -----> 2500L <----- !! If you type 803L, the disassembly will NOT be for the code you expected to disassemble. 5. Lastly, the title page, which contains a synopsis of the commands available for disassembly will be displayed. You may now start disassembling or using any of the other commands provided. Your first command must be prefixed with a hexidecimal address. Thereafter this is optional, as is explained in the "Command Description" of this manual. At this point, and until the final processing, you may hit RESET to return to the start of the Sourceror program (CNTRL-RESET Apple //e). If you hit reset once more, prior to at least one disassembly command, you will exit Sourceror to Basic. Using RESET assumes are using the autostart ROM. Please note that RESET will cause the loss of all disassembled code up to that point. This is a real asset if you have become confused and wish to start over. If this is not your intent, do not hit RESET! 9.3 Commands Used in Disassembly The disassembly commands are very similar to those used by the disassembler in the Apple monitor. All commands accept a four digit hex address before the command letter. If this number is omitted, the the disassembly continues from its present address. The only time a number must be provided is upon initial entry. If you specify a number greater than the present address, a new ORG will be created. More commonly, you will specify an address less than the present default one. In this case the disassembler checks to see of the address equals the address of one of the lines previously disassembled. If so, it simply backs up to that point. If the address is less than the present ORG, Sorceror backs up to that point and creates a new ORG. All source lines are erased. This has the effect of hitting RESET and then specifying the new starting address. It is almost always best to avoid new ORG statements. When this occurs, back up a little more until you no longer get a new ORG on disassembly. 9.4 Command Descriptions 9.4.1 L (List) This is the main disassembly command. It disassembles 20 lines of code (not bytes, lines) It may be repeated (e.g. 2000LLL will disassemble 60 lines of code starting at $2000). By the same token, 2000L , followed by LL , will disassemble exactly the same amount of code. If L detects a "JSR" to the SWEET 16 interpreter, disassembly is automatically switched to the SWEET 16 mode. Command L always continues the present mode of disassembly (SWEET 16 or normal). If an illegal opcode is encountered, the bell will sound and the opcode will be printed as three question marks in flashing format. This is only to call your attention to the situation. In the source code itself, unrecognized opcodes are converted to HEX data, but not displayed on the screen. This brings up an interesting point. You and I know that the Apple cannot execute "unknown" opcodes. What has happened is that the "opcode(s)" you see are really data that the program utilizes in some fashion or other. Your job is to figure out what is going on here. The solution tends to be one of the following: 1. The "opcodes" are preceded by a JSR to some address and the opcodes following said JSR are data for that routine. If that is the case, the end of data is some constant that the called routine can recognize. HEX $00 is the usual choice. The hex digits preceding the end code could be data or ASCII characters. Context will tell you which. In the case of all data, the "H" command is your choice. If ASCII is involved then "T" followed by "H" for the end code would be the choice. 2. The "funny opcode(s) is preceded by a JMP. In this case, the opcodes (BRKs or data) could be memory storage locations (with/without pre-initialized data). Sometimes (always) you will tend to start hitting the L(LLL) key and RETURN in rapid fashion. Especially when things are going "well." At some point you are going to realize that you are "out of step with the world." The solution is to do one of the following: 1. Hit the RESET key and start all over. This happens often. 2. Type xxxxL where xx is a "remembered" address where things were "good." This is the preferred mode. When you begin a disassembly, have a sheet of paper and a writing utensil handy so you can jot down pertinent thoughts as the disassembly progress. One of the more "pertinent" things is the address where things are "good." Keep in mind that Sourceror takes the disassembly address YOU give it as gospel. If that address is wrong and yields "funny" code, it is your fault, not Sourceor's. A final thought. Given that you have loaded the correct program into memory and that you disassemble the correct number of bytes, the resultant source will (almost always) generate the "correct" (identical) object (see the exception in the "Final Processing" section that follows). That is not the point of SOURCEROR! With Sourceror you are trying to generate source code that will lead to eventual understanding and/or modification. Generation of source that is "garbage" and yet yields the identical object code as the original is of very little value. There are a number of very fine copy programs on the market that could of achieved the same purpose at much less personal cost. The above is provided to give you a taste of what disassembly is all about. Often, it is not nearly as difficult as presented. However, there are times when the above is an extreme oversimplification of the problems you will encounter. 9.4.2 S (Sweet) This is similar to L, but forces disassembly to start in SWEET 1 mode. SWEET 16 mode return to normal 6502 mode whenever the SWEET 16 RTN opcode is encountered. 9.4.3 N (Normal) his is the same as L, but forces disassembly to start (return) to normal 6502 mode. 9.4.4 H (Hex) This creates the HEX data opcode. It defaults to one byte of data. If you type a one or two digit hex number after H, that number of data bytes will be generated. 9.4.5 T or TT (Text) T attempts to disassemble the data at the current address as an ASCII string. Depending on the form of the data, this will (automatically) disassemble under the pseudo opcode ASC, DCI, INV, or FLS. The appropriate single or double quote (' or ") is automatically chosen. The disassembly will end when the data encountered is: 1. inappropriate. 2. When 62 characters have been treated (remember, MERLIN has a 64 character limit. 62 + 2 delimiters = 64). 3. the high bit of the data changes. In this case the ASC opcode is changed to DCI. Sometimes the change to DCI is inappropriate. This change can be defeated by using "TT" rather that "T" in the command. occasionally, the disassembled string may not stop at the appropriate place because the following code looks like ASCII code to Sourceror. In this event, you may limit the number of characters put into the string by placing a one or two digit hex number after the T (TT) command. Using the hex number or TT may have to be used to establish the correct boundary between regular ASCII strings and a flashing one. It is usually obvious (the second time) where this should be done. Any lower case letters appearing in the text string are shown as flashing upper case letters. 9.4.6 W (Word) W disassembles the next two bytes at the current location as DA opcode. Optional, if the command WW is used, these bytes are disassembled as DDB opcode. Finally, if W- is used as the command, the two bytes are disassembled in the form DA-1. The latter is often the appropriate form where the program uses the address by pushing it on the stack. You may detect this while disassembling, or after the program has been disassembled. In the latter case, it may be to your advantage to do the disassembly again with some notes in hand. See the recommendations in the explanation of the L command. 9.5 Housekeeping Commands 9.5.1 / (Cancel) This essentially cancels the last non / command. More exactly, it re-establishes the last default address (the address used for a command not necessarily attached to an address). This is an useful convenience which allows you to ignore the typing of an address when a backing up of the address pointer is desired. As an example, suppose you type a "T" to disassemble some text. You may not know what to expect following the text, so you can just type L to look at it. If the text turns out to followed by some hex data (such as $8D for a carriage return), simply type / to cancel the L. You the type the appropriate H command followed by the L. 9.5.2 R (Read) R allows you to look at memory in a format that makes imbedded text stand out. R reads a block of $100, thus to look at data from $1234 to $1333 type 1234R. After the initial R, will bring up the next "page" of memory (page is quoted because pages generally begin at addresses with the two least significant digits = 00 and end with those same two digits = FF. Not necessarily true for pages read by the R command). It is important to keep in mind that the numbers (address) you use for the R command are totally independent of the disassembly addresses. This has two impacts on you: 1. The R command is NOT in step with the L or other disassembly commands. This means that you have to type the initial hex address or R will be reading far afield from where you want. 2. The above was the bad news. Now for the good news. R does not change the next default address for any other command. This means that you can R(ead) all over the place, before, or after L commands and not change the next address L or any other disassembly command uses. R is of particular use when unknown opcodes (???) are encountered by the L command. Using the address noted down prior to the last L command you type the appropriate R command. This allows you to see where the ASCII characters actually begin so you can then type xxxxT[yy] to disassemble the ASCII characters. You may disassemble, then use (address)R, then L alone, and the disassembly will proceed just as if you never used R at all. If you don't intend to use the default address when you return to disassembly, it may be wise to make a note on where you wanted to resume, or use the / command before the R. The latter is probably the wisest choice. 9.5.3 Q (Quit) This ends disassembly and goes to the final processing which is automatic. If you type an address before the Q, the address pointer is backed to (but not including) that point before processing. If, at the end of the disassembly, the disassembled lines include: 2341- 4C 03 E0 JMP $E003 2344 A9 BE 94 LDA $94BE,Y and the last line is just garbage, type 2344Q. This will cancel the last line, but retain the first (and all preceding). 9.5.4 Final Processing After the Q command, the program does some last minute processing of the assembled code. If you hit RESET at this time you will return to BASIC and will lose the disassembled code. The processing may take a second or two for a short program, to two or three minutes for a long one. Be patient. When the processing is done, you are asked if you want to save the source. If so, you will be asked for a file name. Sourceror will append the suffix ".S" to this name and save it to disk. The drive used will be the one used to BRUN SOURCEROR. Replace the Merlin disk first if you want the source to go onto another. To look at the disassembled source, BRUN MERLIN, or type ASSEM, and load it in. 9.5.5 Dealing with the Finished Source In most cases, after you have some experience, and assuming you used reasonable care, the source will have few, if any, defects. You may notice that some DA's would have been more appropriate in the DA LABEL-1 or the DDB LABEL formats. In this and similar cases, it may be best to do the assembly again with some notes in hand. The disassembly is so quick and painless, that it is often much easier than trying to alter the source appropriately. The source will have all the exterior or otherwise unrecognized symbols at the end in a table of equations. You should look at this table closely. It should not contain any zero page equates except one's resulting from DA's, JMP's or JSR's. This is almost a sure sign of an error in the disassembly (yours, not SOURCERROR's). It may of resulted from an attempt to disassemble a data area as regular code. NOTE: If you try to assemble the source with zero page equates, you will get an error as soon as the equates appear. If, as you eventually should, you move the equates to the start of the program, you will cease getting errors, but the assembly MAY NOT BE CORRECT. It is important to deal with this situation first as trouble could occur if, for example, the disassembler finds the data AD 00 8D. It will disassemble correctly as LDA $008D. The assembler assembles this code as a zero page instruction, giving the two bytes A5 8D. This has shortened the program by one byte! Many relative branches can now be in error. The assembler always assembles such code as a zero page instruction, giving the two bytes A5 8D. Occasionally, you will find a program that uses the AD 00 8D form for a zero page instruction. In that case, you will have to insert a character after the LDA opcode (LDAL) to have it assemble identically to its original form. Please note that this is rarely the case, most often the "instruction" is really data and must be delt with by either replacing the incorrect opcode with the appropriate HEX, ASC, etc. opcode or by redoing the disassembly with notes in hand. The above has pointed out several important points: W Go slowly at all stages and take time to understand the implications of each of your decisions. W Be precise, double check everything. One good method is to assemble the code and look at the length when you type "Q" and exit to the Merlin command mode. If the length differs from the original then there is most certainly an error. W If you wish to see just where the original and your version of the code differ, there is an option in COPY ][ PLUS to "VERIFY IDENTICAL FILES." This routine will tell you the first byte where the two files differ. W Even if the file lengths are the same, it is still a good idea to compare the two object files to assure yourself that there are not compensating errors that cause the length to come out correctly. One final comment, the binary load address and length fields are part of the comparison done by COPY ][ PLUS. If the length is wrong then the two files will differ in the second or third byte. In order to see where the real difference lies, you might consider using a sector editor to change the length on the SOURCEROR generated object to that of the original. Again, Beneath Apple DOS, et al, are your best friends in this type of situation. 9.5.6 The Memory Full Message When the source file reaches within $600 of the start of SOURCEROR (that is, when it goes beyond $8200) you will see "MEMORY FULL" and "HIT A KEY" in flashing format. When you hit a key SOURCEROR will go directly to the final processing step. The reason for the $600 gap is that SOURCEROR needs a certain amount of space for this final processing. It is possible (but not likely) that part of SOURCEROR will be over written during final processing, but this should not cause problems since the front end of SOURCEROR will not be used again by that point. There is a "secret" overide at the memory full point. If the key you hit is CTRL-O (for override), then SOURCEROR will return for another command. You can use this to specify the desired ending point. You can also use it to go a little further than SOURCEROR wants you to, and disassemble a few more lines. Obviously, you should not carry this to extremes. Caution: After exiting SOURCEROR, do not try to run it again with a CALL. Instead, run it again from disk. This is because the DOS buffers have been re-established upon exit, and will have partially destroyed SOURCEROR. 9.5.7 The LABELER Program One of the nicest features of the SOURCEROR program is the automatic assignment of labels to all recognizable addresses in the binary file being dissembled. addresses are recognized by being found in a table which SOURCEROR references during the disassembly process. For example all JSR $FC58 instructions within a binary file will be listed by SOURCEROR as JSR HOME. This table of address labels may be edited by using the program LABELER. To use labeler, BRUN LABELER. The program will mention that SRCRR.OBJ is being loaded into memory, and present the main program menu. 9.6 Labeler Commands 9.6.1 Q (Quit) When finished with any modifications you wish to make to label table, press "Q" to exit the LABELER program. You will then be presented with a screen that asks you to hit "S" if you wish to save any modifications you have made to file, if not hit "ESC" to exit without saving the table. Be sure to read about the U command before attempting to save a labeler file. 9.6.2 L (List) This command allows you to list the present contents of the labeler file. After pressing L, hit any key to start the listing. At that point a screens worth of labels will be presented for your scrntiny. When you have finished with that page, hit any key to see the next. Typing CTRL-C will stop the listing. 9.6.3 D (Delete Label(s)) Use this option to delete any address labels you do not want in the list. After entering the D command, simple enter the NUMBER of the label you no longer want. If you want to delete a range of labels, enter the the beginning and ending label numbers, separated by a comma. Note that the label numbers below the deleted label will change when a label(s) is deleted. Thus, you should delete from the back towards the front, or type L to list the file after each deletion so you can ascertain the new line number. 9.6.4 A (Add Label) Use this command to add a new label to the list. Simply tell the program the hex address and the name you wish to associate with that address. When finished, press the RETURN key only, to exit the Add mode. 9.6.5 F (Free Space) Typing F causes the program to tell you how much free space remains in the table for new label entries. The number returned is in bytes remaining, not the number of new labels that can be added. 9.6.6 U (Unlock SRCRR.OBJ) Before saving a new label table, you will need to unlock the SRCRR.OBJ file. Use this command before using the Q(uit) command if you intend to save a new file. ---------------------------------| $FFFF | | | | $D000 | | |--------------------------------| $CFFF | | | Apple I/O | $C000 | Soft Switches | |--------------------------------| $BFFF | | | DOS | $9AA6 | | |--------------------------------| $9AA5 | | | SRCRR.OBJ | $8800 | | |--------------------------------| $85FF | | | | $8200 | SOURCEROR work area $600 bytes| |--------------------------------| $81FF | | | | | | | Disassembled Source | $2500 | | |--------------------------------| $24FF | | | Area available to load | | programs for disassembly | $0800 | | |--------------------------------| $07FF | | | See technical information | $0000 | section (section 8). | |--------------------------------|