DSK2FILE version 5.8f ref. file: DSK2FILE58f.zip After downloading, unzip using WinZIP or a similar utility. Resulting file is DSK2FILE58f.SHK After transferring DSK2FILE58f.SHK to your Apple, unShrink using ShrinkIt or GS-ShrinkIt DSK2FILE By Ron Kneusel http://www.geocities.com/oneelkruns/dsk2file.html Version 5.8f, (March 2003) ** Minor bug fix. DSK2FILE is a ProDOS 8 utility for working with disk image files. It will create image files or write existing image files back to floppy, both 5.25" (140k) and 3.5" (800k). Currently supported disk image formats are: .dsk, .do - DOS 3.3 ordered, 140k .po - ProDOS ordered, 140k or 800k .2mg - 2MG, universal format, 800k only Minimum requirements: Enhanced Apple IIe (or better) with one 5.25" floppy drive and a hard drive, RAM card, or 3.5" drive