Infocom Toolkit - 14 Apr 1993 ----------------------------- Author: Mark Howell ( (GS port by Matt Ackeret or Tools: verify - check story file integrity, same as verify command. Works on all types. usage: verify story-file-name infodump - object, verb and dictionary dumper for story files. Optionally displays more detail for ZORK I. Define ZORKI at compile time to enable extra detail. Comes with 2 flavours of dictionary dumper, multi-column, no data, or single column, plus data. Works on all types. Verb list doesn't work for type 6 games yet. usage: infodump story-file-name txd - disassembles story files to Z code assembly language, plus text strings. Works on type 3, 4 and 5 games. usage: txd story-file-name Bugs: Please report bugs and portability bugs to the author.