NIB2FILE version 1.0 ref. file: After downloading, unzip using WinZIP or a similar utility. Resulting file is NIB2FILE.SHK After transferring NIB2FILE.SHK to your Apple, unShrink using ShrinkIt or GS-ShrinkIt NIB2FILE By Ron Kneusel NIB2FILE is a ProDOS 8 utility which will create .nib format disk images files from 140k disks. It is designed to allow a few copy-protected disks to be made into disk images. Specifically, it was designed to work with many of the MECC educational disks so that teachers who still have the disks but not the Apples can continue to use them. In my tests it has been about 75% successful. Your mileage may vary. Version 1.0, (December 2002) Minimum requirements: Any ProDOS capable Apple II with one 5.25" floppy drive and a hard drive, RAM card, or 3.5" drive